Silent No More Awareness Campaign Canada to take part in National March for Life


Silent No More Awareness Campaign

In 2014, 100,000 unborn children in Canada will be put to death at taxpayer expense. The women and men of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign Canada will march for these babies’ lives on May 8 at the National March for Life in Ottawa. And they will march to warn the mothers and fathers of these most innocent victims about the true nature of abortion.

“A woman who chooses abortion will never be the same person she was before making that deadly decision,” said Angelina Steenstra, National Coordinator for the Campaign. “We hope that our witness will help change women’s minds before it’s too late. We also want to let other women and men who have made the same choice that we have come to regret, that they are not alone.”

Members of the campaign, carrying signs that declare, “I Regret My Abortion” or “I Regret Lost Fatherhood,” will take part in the March for Life and will give their testimony immediately following, on the steps of Parliament Hill. 

This year’s March theme is “RU-4 Life?” and seeks to call attention to the dangers of RU-486, the abortion pill used to kill children in the womb up to nine weeks’ gestation. The Campaign Life Coalition, organizer of the March for Life, is working to keep the drug out of Canada.

“This drug has killed more than a dozen women in the United States, and those are just the cases we know of,” said Janet Morana, co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and executive director of Priests for Life, who will travel to Ottawa from New York again this year to march and speak at the Campaign gathering. “This is a drug that is lethal to children and to their mothers. Canada has to protect its borders from RU-486.”

Dale Barr, Silent No More regional coordinator for Eastern Ontario, said the testimony of the women and men of the campaign has a significant impact. Of the estimated 25,000 people who took part in last year’s march, about half stayed to hear the testimonies.

“When people are listening,” she said, “minds and hearts are being changed.”

To arrange interviews with any of the Silent No More leaders, please call Leslie Palma at 347-286-7277 or email her at