Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion reaches out to mothers in May


Silent No More Awareness Campaign


Mother’s Day is the hardest day of the year for millions of women who have lost children to abortion. This month, Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion will reach out to these moms with prayers and healing resources.

“After the baby, the mother who chooses abortion is the person most affected by that choice,” said Georgette Forney, co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. “We want all of these women to know they can find healing from this loss.”

Silent No More’s Shockwaves initiative kicked off in January with the aim of focusing each month on a different group of people impacted by abortion, while also emphasizing how the wounds to each group are interconnected, and how the healing of each group advances the healing of the others.

Visitors to .AbortionShockwaves.com can click on “May” and then “Healing Resources” to find programs nearby that can help. Those who have been healed are invited to join the Silent No More Awareness Campaign at any level they feel comfortable, even if it just registering their regret for the role they played in the abortion.

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life and pastoral director of Silent No More, called upon clergy to get on board with Shockwaves and help spread the message.

“Many women who come to church every Sunday are hiding the pain and shame of an abortion wound,” he said. “Silence does not interpret itself. It’s time to speak up about abortion, so we can give them the courage to seek the peace of Christ and the welcome of his Church.”

Kevin Burke, co-founder of Rachel’s Vineyard and an organizer of the Shockwaves initiative, said mothers who “remain disconnected from the emotional and biological truth of what has been lost and their intimate and eternal connection to that child,” can discover, even years later, that abortion grief can have a negative impact on emotional and medical health, and personal relationships.

Although the pro-abortion movement insists most women feel only relief after an abortion, Janet Morana, co-founder of Silent No More, said the continuing growth of Rachel’s Vineyard, a healing program for the post-abortive, and the thousands of testimonies on the Silent No More site are evidence of the fact that abortion hurts women.

“We want every mom who has had an abortion to know we care about her and we know how to help her,” Mrs. Morana said. “Through Shockwaves, we hope to reach all those women who are walking around with a secret shame.”

To find resources, prayers, articles and insight, go to https://www.silentnomoreawareness.org/shockwaves/may/

To arrange an interview with anyone on the Shockwaves team or a post-abortive mother, call Leslie Palma at 347-286-7277 or email her at leslie@priestsforlife.org


The Campaign began November 11th, 2002.  As of February 2015, the Silent No More Awareness Campaign has held 1,436 Gatherings in 17 countries & 48 states with 5,934 women and men sharing their abortion testimonies. Testimonies have also been shared at 104 high schools and universities in the last 4 years, 26 in 2014. There are 2,233 testimonies posted on the Campaign website, with 332 that are shared via video!  Currently there are 16,225 people registered with the Campaign representing 77 countries. People who are not ready to join the Campaign, are invited to register their regret. So far, 4,890 women and 573men have said they regret their abortion or lost fatherhood.  Another552 women and men have posted memorials to their children.