Time to Oppose 'War Against Women'


Nancy Menzies-Kreuzer


I write this on behalf of the countless women and men whose lives have been devastated by abortion. I write this on behalf of the women who have suffered in the real “War Against Women.”

We were lied to. We were told our babies were globs of tissue. We were told that abortion was a simple procedure and that we could put all this behind us, get on with our lives. But we found out this was a lie because for decades we suffered from depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety, repeated nightmares, flashbacks, intense grief, physical and emotional problems and more. We were told that our babies were “fetuses” and that abortion was simply an “emptying the contents of the womb.”

We were pressured by boyfriends, husbands, parents, the culture and, God forbid, Planned Parenthood, if we went there for “help.” And where was the government or Planned Parenthood when we needed help to recover from the damage abortion had on our lives? They took our babies and took our money and called it a day’s work. They do not offer help because, in doing so, they would have to admit that abortion hurts women.

There is no freedom in abortion — it is all a lie. It is slavery when women are chained to grief and silenced by shame.

Abortion is not kind to women. Abortion is not caring and it certainly is not “health care.” We stand strong, uniting our voices against the persistent, invasive abortion agenda by this president and his administration. The real ‘War Against Women’ has been waged for almost 40 years and there are many casualties. Who has the ears to hear us? Who has the eyes to see us? When will those who so flippantly speak of choice, charity and goodwill toward women see the pain?