The Dehumanization of Innocence


Patti Smith

President Trump’s recent assertion that members of  MS-13 are “animals,” has created another liberal media meltdown.  First, his comments were taken out of context claiming he was referring to immigrants.  Although networks were forced into a mea culpa when the transcripts and videos proved them wrong, several newscasters as well as Democratic politicians, including Nancy Pelosi, still  criticized him for dehumanizing the gang.  
These same liberals crying foul for dehumanizing murderers and rapists, take no issue in dehumanizing the most innocent.  If a woman is pregnant and continues with the pregnancy, it's a baby.  Even if she miscarries.  But when she enters an abortion clinic all of a sudden it's a "blob of tissue" or a "bunch of cells,” which includes babies in the third trimester able to survive outside the womb.