Preserve Life

Indiana,  United States
  Here are my answers to the questions on the testimony page:

1. I had an abortion because of fear. Fear of losing my youth, fear of telling my parents, fear because my boyfriend wasn't going to marry me; so I was going to shoulder the responsibility alone.

2. During the abortion procedure I experienced the coldness of clinic staff, a woman who was using abortion as birth control and who was unapologetic about taking lives, the feeling of being treated like cattle herded into a slaughter room, and extreme guilt and terror. I tried to escape and change my mind, but they held me down and told me it would be over in a moment. Then came the horrific sound of a blender and knowing I had taken a life.

3. Immediately after I went into shock and felt tremendous guilt. For a long time I tried to shut it out, but it didn't work.

4. As time went on I mourned whenever I remembered. I called myself what I had become, a murderer. I wondered what plan of God's I had stifled in that child. I sought God for forgiveness. I repented and accepted Jesus. I was born again and forgiven, but could not make peace with myself. I finally just sought to become a counselor and tell my story, to make peace with my past. Right to Life referred me to your website.

5. I am now volunteering with Right to Life; I have been referred to Project Rachel. Counseling for The Pregnancy Resource Center has been suggested to me. I want to help, so others can learn from my story, my pain, and my shame... So my mistake might help others choose to preserve the life that God created.

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share