Forgiveness and Mercy

  Mary Ann
Virginia,  United States
  I had an abortion because I was over 40 and a single parent of two sons and ashamed of what I had done to be in this situation.  I was dating a man very much younger than I. 

I can't remember very much about the procedure, but I do remember being encouraged to take this step by the people working at the clinic. The procedure was done with no compassion.  It was as if I was in a dentist office and having a root canal.  I remember most looking around the waiting room and observing the many other women and girls who had chosen to do this.  Many were alone, like me, but some were accompanied by a friend.  No one made eye contact and no one spoke. 

It took many years for me to realize how much these abortions had affected me. I would feel such sadness and depression for “no apparent reason.” As I became more educated about what I had done, it haunted me. I truly believed that I had a D & C...I knew that it was considered a grave sin by the Catholic Church, but I thought they were just being “old-fashioned.” 

Today and for a very, very long time, I realize how wrong I was. I found forgiveness by going to confession and asking and receiving Jesus' forgiveness and mercy. Watching EWTN's “Life on the Rock” last week where three special women told their stories, was such a blessing.  This morning I watched and prayed with the people at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York which was also provided by the Eternal World Television Network.  EWTN along with some wonderful priests have helped me know how much God loves us and He will forgive us if we ask. The hardest part is forgiving myself. 
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