Forgiven and Truly Free

Indiana,  United States

I had an abortion because I was so ashamed of the life I had been living and couldn't face the judgment I believed would come from my friends and family.  I grew up in church and had been living away from God and my faith.  I was so lost. 

During my abortion, I felt only the physical pain.  I was really good at pushing the emotional pain away.  I lived that way for thirteen years.  I thought I had done a good job of moving past my abortion until one day when I knew that God was working on my heart to open up to someone about my story.  After that I went through "Forgiven and Set Free".  I was amazed at what God did for me.  I had no idea that I had locked myself in a prison of shame and guilt.  I always felt that if people really knew me they would not like me.

Today I am forgiven and truly free.  My life has been forever changed and I experience God's love and grace in a way that I could have never imagined.

I long for other women who have been wounded by abortion to experience this same freedom that I dance in today and I am thankful that God would not allow me to continue hiding in the dark but brought me out into the marvelous sunshine of His amazing love.


Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share