Ending such a Beautiful Life

Arizona,  United States
  I have had two aunts who went through abortions, and my father went through two abortions from previous relations along time ago... I'm 18 and have a 10 month old. I love my daughter very much and would give my life for her.  I want to let other women know that, they can have a baby and still be okay.  And it’s not the end of the world. It’s just the beginning. And that having a life you created is something that you will never regret but cherish for the rest of your life. I want to help.
I see my friends, family, people around me--ending such a beautiful life. When really they don't give it time, they don't think, they are scared and feel like it’s the end.  I want to help people and let them know it’s just the beginning of a wonderful future. And that's why I’M SILENT NO MORE!

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share