Not "Over" It

New South Wales,  Australia
  It's been at least a year since I lost my son.

I had been on a fishing trip for 12 days with a friend I've known all my life. My wife and I had not been apart from each other for a long time.

 I got home early that morning, and my wife wasn't home, which was strange. I had a shower, got out, and saw my wife.  Right away I knew something was wrong.  She said “I'm pregnant, but I'm having an abortion.”  I said “Ok, if that is what you want.”  She said, “I just got back from the clinic they put things in my vagina and injected the baby.”  I said “Why didn't you tell me?”  I had called her nearly every day. She said she was scared that I would yell and that the child could be retarded because we were both 45 years old at the time.

Then she said she had to go back the next day to finish the process. By then the google search engine was going.  I said, “You’re not going back.  You can't do this.”  Then I looked at her and said “It’s too late. It's too late.”  I was two hours late.  I could have saved him.

We had been together for 25 years, so the whole next day I was lost, I couldn't go with her.  She was 21 weeks, my God.  I googled it.  I was angry, sad and angry.  I cried and cried.  

My wife can't read or write.   So she didn’t know how they really did an abortion or how big our son was.

I'm still not “over” this.  It's been a year and a half.

I never gave abortion a second thought, but I've worked hard to put it out there for my son.  I named him William Corfield Smith.  Australia has some of the worst abortion laws in the world.

Our lives have never been the same.  I lost trust, I lost a child that I will never meet or take hunting and fishing.  My daughter, my son-in-law, two close friends, or those dumb heartless people at the clinic could have called me.  

I have studied Abortion, and I am a proud parent. Those people at the clinic what sort of people would do that job?  Think about that.

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share