The Burden of my Country

Cameroon,  Cameroon

I live in Cameroon where many things have challenged my life. One of these challenges is dealing with the harmful effects of abortion. It has brought so many in my country to the grave. Some women who have had abortions are unable to give birth, some are now barren, and others have committed suicide. Abortion has also affected so many families so that they are separated with the children living one way, and the parents living another. The family is in total destruction. All of this is caused by ignorance. I believe that we can put away ignorance by having the many who have been touched by abortion share their testimonies in order to save others.

I feel it is time we blow the trumpet of awareness so that all those who have been victims and are hurt by abortion will be given the opportunity to tell others the effect it has had on them and their families. It is time to do battle so that what the devil intends to do will not affect our generation and the generation to come. It is time to be silent no more so that God will be glorified and give relief the people of this third world country.

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share