The Consequences Are Painful

Texas,  United States
  My own father left our family for another woman. Searching for that fatherly love I was missing, I turned to attracting men through sex. I had one child out of wedlock, my oldest daughter. I raised her. When I again became pregnant, I couldn't afford to keep the second one so I, with agonizing pain, gave him up for adoption.

When I again became pregnant after a man walked out on me, I turned to abortion because I was both scared of losing my job and frightened of having to give the child up for adoption. Then that man came back; we had two more children together before we separated for the final time. I then got with another man, who let me know day after day that I was far from being his first pick of women. He hit me and my children. Every time I became pregnant with his child - 3 times - I aborted them. Then I found out he had been molesting my children. He went to prison, but not before I discovered I was pregnant with his fourth child. By then, I was determined that she would be a sister to my other three, yet those children went through much grief growing up. The after effects of abortion are devastating to a woman's ability to connect to others as God intended. Finally, after 30 years, I went to a Rachel's retreat and received Confession. Little by little, God is healing our family.

That last child? She is a wonderful and beautiful woman in her late 20's now. I have never regretted raising my four children; I have deeply regretted the children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc., that I turned my back on. Our family has always felt the loss of those children, even though my children weren't told about them until they were grown. Unfortunately, my own attitudes took root in my children. All grew up thinking shacking up was okay. Three "married" outside the Church. One of those has had her marriage blessed by the Church.  Half are pro-life and half are pro-choice. Ouch! Consequences are real and painful!

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