Crying in Silence

Illinois,  United States
  I had an abortion because the father of the child led me to believe that if I didn't have the abortion his life would be ruined. Basically, he alienated me until I had the abortion, and it made me feel so low and depressed.

The abortion experience at the clinic wasn't what I expected.  I felt like I was being judged by all of the people in there. I took the RU-486 pill at the clinic, and the next day I was passing blood clots the size of lemons. I was so scared.  I didn't know what to do and had no one to turn to. I felt like God would not forgive me for treating a blessing He had given me like this. I beat myself up everyday after the abortion. I felt uncomfortable around pregnant women.   I didn't want to interact with son after for a long time. I just felt like everyone knew what I had done.

I found healing and forgiveness at Peace Ministries, when they set me free. After crying for six months silently, I refused to live like that and made a choice to be silent no more!

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share