One Day I Will Meet You

Virginia,  United States
  Dear John Michael, George Steven, and Mary Elizabeth,

Even though I never had a chance to introduce myself to you, as your younger sister, I miss you and love you very much. I'm sorry you never got the chance to experience having Christmas with the family, school dances, being able to see all of God's beautiful creations, and going to church as a family. I wish you were all here today just so I can share memories and I love to. Although I haven't had the chance to meet you yet, I'm looking forward to the day I greet you in heaven.

I knew my mother was young, afraid, and confused. Her first abortion was led believe that this was the best thing for her to do. Afterwards, she was just left with an overwhelming sadness and emotional distress, which led to drugs, alcohol, and deep depression. During the dark time of my mother's life, she had two more abortions. My mother told me about my siblings when I was 14. After church on Mother's Day, my mom took me to the church garden and I sat down on the bench, she put her arm around me, and said, "Madeline, there's something I need to tell you."

She proceeded to tell me about her three abortions and she looked up at her, as I looked up with her, I can see her eyes water and knew she was wounded from her past. I did not say much in my response but just a simple, "I love you, you're a wonderful mom, and I forgive you." When reflecting on my mother's story, I feel abortion should be abolished after not only seeing it wound my mother, also friends and family that were affected by her having abortions themselves.

I made the decisions to become active in the pro-life movement to educate my generation and share the truth about abortion. I decided last year to speak in my school to reform my peers. I stand here today in the honor of my siblings, John Michael, George Steven, and Mary Elizabeth. For them, I will always be silent no more.

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share