A Moral Wrong

Virginia,  United States
  I'm Lisa from Virginia. I was about to start my final year of college. My boyfriend said that he would agree with whatever decision I made. We never spoke about ‘what if.’ At six weeks on August 4, 1983, I had my abortion. I was just about to start my final year of college. I didn't feel that I could disappoint my parents. After all, it was legal, right? Unfortunately, I listened to the media, as so many of us did, who said it was just a blob of tissue, the product of conception.

I always recall the noise of the suction machine, the glass jar that filled up with the bloody remains of my child, and the nurse telling me that 25% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, I guess to make me feel better. I kept my secret from everyone for 24 years, but I gave my first testimony here in 2006 and I decided that I had to speak up because too many people are keeping this secret and it's really impacting their lives, as you can hear right now with all the shockwaves going on.

In 1993, my husband and I were thrilled that I was pregnant. I saw a sonogram at six weeks, the length of time that I had for my baby that I aborted, and it was amazing because I didn't see a blob of tissue. I saw a head, a circle there, I saw an oblong for the body, and I saw a heartbeat and that really impacted me, thinking it wasn't a blob of tissue, there was a heartbeat, and I wish that we could have seen a sonogram at that particular point in 1983.

I really knew that there was life within me the second pregnancy.  I didn't realize that exactly with the first. I didn't know the heartbeat was going. My parents were so excited, it was their first grandchild, or so they thought. Two years later, we were pregnant again, I miscarried at six weeks. What a difference. Tatiana knew that she was loved and wanted, Maria, unfortunately did not. The other side always says it's the woman's body, it's her right to choose what she wants to do with it. I like with the former supermodel Kathy Ireland says, who now supports life that there's a 50% chance that the baby that you are carrying is a boy. Boys and girls are not the same and so therefore there's no way a boy is part of your body. Everyone will say that slavery was wrong, but I wonder how different it is really, because the slave owner has control over their slave and a mother has control over the unborn child, or so you think because the DNA is so unique to that particular baby.

I think about the holocaust and all those that were killed for their religion and their lack of perfection, and I just praise God for all the young people that are here at the March for Life because it's really their testimonies that's going to change things along with us and all the people that have had abortions or experienced abortions. I'm a woman who deeply regrets her abortion and I received healing through Rachel's Vineyard. It is my sincere desire that others will choose life and as the bumper stickers says, the right to choose is a legal right but a moral wrong.

Jesus, we trust in You.

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