Damage Caused

Saskatchewan,  Canada
  In dysfunction and ignorance I chose to have an abortion at the age of nineteen. I needed to know the facts about pre-natal development but a very opinionated, pro-abortion doctor told me that my nine week old baby was nothing more than a sprouted wheat seed. I wanted to believe that lie and be able to forget the pregnancy and get on with my life. What followed the abortion choice were ten years full of addictive behaviour, depression, suicidal thoughts and an inability to bond in relationships.
Someone shared their faith with my husband and we became Christians, which brought some order into the chaos of our lives.

Twelve years after the abortion while experiencing difficulty in pregnancy I had to have an ultrasound at nine weeks of gestation. This is the age our first child’s life was destroyed by abortion. We now had to face the horrible truth that this was a child, not a sprouted wheat seed. We saw a whole and complete little person, very much alive, heart beating, little hands and feet, and she was moving incredibly fast even though I could not as yet feel her movement! She was undeniably a human being who just needed more time to grow and develop.

I am thankful to God for all the many books and programs He has sent my way to help in the journey of recovery after an abortion. I am thankful for, “Silent No More”, which offers a safe place where those who have suffered because of an abortion choice can speak the truth about that experience and let others know the damage that choice caused in our lives.

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share