Needing to Grieve

Texas,  United States
  I was raised in a strict Baptist environment.  I did not plan to have sex before marriage.  I kept that vow until I was 20 years old.  Given the culture, it was difficult to maintain a relationship otherwise.  I believe I was in a state of denial that I was actually having sex because it was a sin.  I had been traumatized after my parent's divorce and was later diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. 

I believe that I split off that part of me until I was married at 38 years old and became pregnant at 39.  It was after my daughter was born, when I would look at her with such love as she slept, that I remembered that I had had an abortion.  I still wasn't sure that the fetus was a "person," but God led me to understand that I needed to grieve and later ask forgiveness. 

I thought that my story could help youngsters in our church, so I blurted out my story to one of the youth pastors in an e-mail.  It was never mentioned again, but they suggested that I start working with them with middle schoolers.  I did, but I still felt that I could be doing more.  I am very happy to find "Silent No More" and other groups like this.    

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share