There is Forgiveness

Ohio,  United States
  I was 17 years old and pregnant.  I was in a very vulnerable state when Planned Parenthood told me that they could arrange for the termination so no one in my family would have to know. They told me it was only a clump of tissue, like a tumor. They told me it would be an easy, simple solution; I could go on with my life without the burden and shame of a pregnancy. What they didn’t tell me haunted me for 35 years.

My mind was numb throughout the procedure. As the sedatives wore off, I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. Tears streamed down my face. I cried silently because I felt too ashamed to admit that I knew what I had done was wrong, that I had a baby, but now it was gone forever.

How does a person live with that? Since I hated myself, I looked for love in dysfunctional relationships. I promised myself that I would never become pregnant again. Eventually I chose sterilization. When I was growing up I dreamed of having children and a family. That dream was gone; I didn’t deserve it.

I contemplated suicide many times throughout my life. The final time I fell to my knees and begged God to help me. He answered me with a love that I cannot find words to express. That experience led me to an awakening in my soul and eventually to the healing I was blessed to find through Rachel’s Vineyard, a post abortion recovery program. Not only do I regret my abortion, but I also regret suffering in silence for 35 years.

Today I honor the memory of my son, Tommy, with my own repentant life and a promise to help others.  I am proof that it is never too late: there is Hope, there is Forgiveness and there is Redemption and Healing. That is why I Am Silent No More!

May the Creator of ALL Life and our Savior bless you for being here today!   
Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share