God's Mercy is Bigger

Georgia,  United States
  I am humbled and honored as I stand before you all today as I share my testimony with you and to attest to the destructiveness of abortion. 

My name is Liz Youngs from Atlanta.  I am a mother of 4 children, 3 of which are in heaven because of the decisions I made years ago. 

After high school, I became involved in a dysfunctional 7 year relationship.  I got pregnant twice during that relationship and aborted two children. I knew it was wrong but tried to justify it. We were both deep into drugs and alcohol. I wasn’t ready or well enough to be a parent, either was he.     I was embarrassed to be pregnant out of wedlock. After that relationship ended, I jumped right into another destructive one. b Once again, I found myself pregnant.  My boyfriend did not want the child, so to save my relationship with him, I made the decision to abort my third child.

I was alone for the first two abortions. The waiting room was full. No one spoke or looked at each other. The atmosphere was very clinical and matter of fact. There was no warmth or compassion. They gave me some valium to relax and took me back to the procedure room. I was petrified and wanted to run out, but I talked myself into going through with it. 

 There was no consultation with the doctor beforehand.   He just performed the abortion and left.  That same doctor also performed my second and third abortions. It was hard to look at the clinic staff the second and third time.  I hoped that they didn’t recognize me from before. I felt like a repeat offender. 

At first I felt relief, but that quickly turned into unbearable grief, sadness, and sorrow.  I became angry and depressed.  The alcoholism and drug abuse continued to increase, yet no matter how much I dank or drugged myself, the pain would not go away. Along with my addictions, I had an eating disorder.  My life was spiraling out of control.

In 1993, I got sober and started a new and personal relationship with God.  In 2010, I attended a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat and participated in a Bible study with the PATH Ministry in Atlanta.  It was a safe place to share my secrets with others who had been there too. God poured out His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness.   I was able to acknowledge my 3 children and accept their love and forgiveness.  God showed me that his mercy is bigger than my poor choices.   I know my children are safe in Heaven and I see them one day. So, to my three angels in Heaven:  Cathryn, Rachel, and Matthew,- I will always love you and honor you by reaching out to help others avoid the pain of abortion and by helping those who have gone through it heal from their wounds. This is why I am SILENT NO MORE!  Thank you!
Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share