My God is Victorious

Maryland,  United States
  My abortion happened when I was just 18 years old.  A bright-eyed girl on her first Army enlistment caught in the snares of sexual sin – became pregnant in Frankfurt, Germany.

Like many in this situation, my heart was hard and I did not consider God’s will or the diabolical snare that I was entering. Just three years after Roe v. Wade, somehow abortion had become part of my moral and legal fabric. I question myself now, “Why did I know that I needed “to get rid of ‘IT’ early.” It would not be until some 20 years later that I would truly face my abortion experience and weep over what God wept over.  
Unfortunately, I am a text book representation of the statistical consequences of women who have had abortions. First, I have never been able to conceive (infertile) and second, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 and have had a double mastectomy and numerous surgeries. I tell you this not so you will feel sorry for me, but to help you understand that this so-called CHOICE hurts and maims women. Through the rubble and lies of my abortion, My God is Victorious and has given me a voice, I am Silent No More.

Since 2003 I have led Abortion Recovery Bible studies for over 100 women.  I believe that the natural place for abortion recovery is in the local church. In 2013 we realized that women were getting healed, but were not educated about the abortion industry, or empowered to give their testimony and say, “I Regret My Abortion – It Grieved the Heart of the Father.” Since 2013, we have empowered 20 women who can unashamedly, while totally healed, also proclaim that they are Silent No More.

Every time I speak, every time I lead a Bible study, I know that my precious son Christopher’s is saying to me. “Thank you mommy, for being Silent No More!”
Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share