One Day

Ohio,  United States
I had a medical abortion at the age of 31. I was separated from my husband and had been told by my pastor that I was going to hell because of the separation, which was largely due to infidelity on part. I grew up in church and, when a pastor told me this, I believed him. I became suicidal and very emotionally unsound, and then discovered I was pregnant. I found a clinic and decided there was no way I could have my baby. 

I went alone and remember the facility being very dreary.  The staff was cold and distant. I wasn't properly counseled or screened concerning my mental health and, standing here today, that's not a decision I would make again. I was given the first pill at the clinic and sent home with another to take the next day.  I was told I would have a heavy period and some cramping. My experience was much worse than explained. 

I sought counseling from an individual counselor a year later when I became pregnant with my son in a not much better situation. I didn't tell another soul for five years. I never fully forgave myself and am seeking continued help. 

I am silent no more, because I know God’s love and forgiveness is greater than anything I could ever imagine.  One day hope to help other women choose the precious gift of life!
Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share