Gloria's 2022 March for Life Testimony

North Carolina,  United States
My name is Gloria Anderson and I am from Candler, North Carolina.  I had my abortion in 1977, just a few years after Roe v. Wade.

From the ages of 5 to 11, I was sexually molested, which warped my sense of self-worth.  At 12, I began smoking, drinking and doing drugs, and I became sexually active at 13.  At 15, I became pregnant.  I was never counseled or given any other choice but abortion.  I was 11 weeks pregnant and was told I had to make that decision immediately or both of my parents would be notified.  I was planning on going to college.  I was afraid my 19-year-old boyfriend would be arrested, and I feared my father's reaction.  The abortion was scheduled.

During my abortion, I was ashamed and felt the disapproval of the abortion doctor and staff.  I remember hearing what sounded like the bottom of a milkshake being sucked through a straw and the horror of it all hit me.  I have no memory from that moment until I was on the way home.  But the realization of what I had done began having a destructive affect on my self-esteem and behavior.  

I believed God hated me as much as I hated myself.  These feelings eventually led me to plan my own suicide in my 30s.  In total emotional desperation, I confessed my abortion to God, and I surrendered the rest of my life to Him.  Unknown to me at the time, an exchange took place:  Jesus took on the sin of my abortion, and I took on His righteousness before God.  From that day on Jesus began a work of healing in my life.  Jesus led me to a Bible study called Forgiven and Set Free, and Christ did an even deeper work of healing and restoration of me through this Bible study.  

I am here to tell you that there is NO SIN that the blood of Jesus cannot cover, including the sin of abortion.  I pray that if you have not received Him in your life as Lord and Savior that today will be the day you give all your life to Jesus.  

My daughter's name was Amber Tamsyn and she would have been 44.  She had value.  She had purpose.  Abortion destroys the promise of potential.  

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share