Dora's 2022 March for Life Testimony

Texas,  United States
"Hello my name is Dora Esparza and when I was 19 years old, I was pressured by my boyfriend and his friends to have an abortion. I was convinced that we were too young to have a baby, that we had our whole lives ahead of us. We scheduled an appointment where they told me that my best option would be the abortion pill. I went home and after taking the second dose, I began to experience the worst pain ever. The pain was so intense that I was blacking in and out of consciousness. At one point I bit down on a towel to keep from screaming out loud.

After everything was finally over, I fell into a deep depression. 
I wanted nothing to do with the memory of what happened.
It wasn’t until I went to my check up that I found out some terrible news.
The abortion pill was not successful and I would need an emergency D&C to complete it.

Quickly after my abortion, my life went down hill. 
I was shortly diagnosed with endometriosis and ovarian cysts, both of which I needed corrective surgeries. Then I spent about the next 6 years after that drugs every day and blacking out 2-3 times a week. Anything to keep my mind off what I had done.

It wasn’t until the day that I truly gave my life to Jesus Christ, that everything turned around.

He forgave me, He helped me learn to forgive others for what happened, He helped me learn to forgive myself.

I am honored that He would allow me this opportunity to share my story with you all.
In hopes that my story can help others choose life for their babies and find healing in Christ.

Thank you so much and I promise to always be Silent No More!"

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share