Holli's 2023 March for Life Testimony

Arkansas,  United States
Twenty-seven years ago, I was told to have an abortion at the age of 18. The experience would change my life forever. Driving up to an old house with bars on the windows, setting with a group of ladies and going through a 7 hour ordeal. Being called back for what they called "counseling", I cried the entire time but they passed me through to the next phase. One of their staff came in to give us a lecture on the procedure where she specifically said, "This is only a piece of tissue the Dr will be removing, I have had 3 and it's painless". 

A Strange lady held my hand during the procedure, I squeezed her hand so tight, she tried to pry my fingers off of her's as I screamed in agony. I woke up on an army cot with about 8 cots beside me lined up and another girl laying beside me. 2 months later, I was listening to a christian radio station and he described what an abortion was and I had to pull the car over, I started sobbing! I had no idea...For 5 years, I didn't remember that night but babies and anything to do with babies made me uncomfortable. 

My life spiraled. The shame and guilt I have carried over the last 27 years was unbearable, the hidden grief, the tears, the emptiness of missing my child.. If it had not been for Jesus, I would not have made it through. I got pregnant 7 years later and became a Licensed Therapist to help other hurting people! 

My daughter is here today. She is a college student and planning on attending law school. I will not allow shame to keep me quite anymore! I will not allow guilt to keep me in a dark place! I will be silent no more!!! I will stand for the unborn and for the hurting women! 

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share