Sharon's 2023 March for Life Testimony

Texas,  United States
Hello everyone! My name is Sharon McLendon also known as Minister Shay. What a privilege it is to stand before you to share my testimony and the testimonies of many other women who have had abortions.

I represent what happens on the other side of abortion, once it has already been done.

I am a facilitator of healing to women who have had abortions but only because I've suffered through one of my own. 

I was a child of 15 when I had my abortion. I was told, "You are a child yourself, how are you going to take care of a baby?" I was young and not strong enough to fight for me and my baby. So I went along with the abortion, although I wanted to keep him. 

Once the choice has been made, it cannot be undone
It will have lifetime ramifications.

I've never met one woman including myself who has not regretted having an abortion. Majority, as myself have come back for post abortive therapy.

I've held hundreds of crying women in my arms.
Lending strength as they cry on my shoulder.

Some of us were abused. Some of us were molested. Some of us were raped. Some of us were prostituted. Some of us had medical reasons. Some of us had no reasons. Some of us chose to do it. Some of us did not. However, the commonality among us despite our reason(s) is eventually, each and every one of us regretted the decision to abort our child(ren). This happens for many of us right away and for others it may take much longer. 

Once the anger, arguments, and rallies quieted down, every one of us were left alone to deal with it by ourselves. 

Once we went on about our lives, we were faced with the reality of what was done. Once we accomplished the reason(s) we chose or chose not to abort, we realized it was not worth the false relief and temporary freedom it seemed to provide.

This choice can not be undone once it is made and we live with this decision for the rest of our life. It will never go away. We decided to abort our child(ren). Now our heart overrides all our beliefs and strong opinions. Our mother's heart inside of us weeps and regrets not allowing our child(ren) to survive and not allowing our child to be.

Respectfully, hear our voices and the cry of millions of women who have already had an abortion. "It is not just a 'choice'. It is not just a 'right.' It is not just someone else's 'opinion.' It is our babies inside of our womb."  

Some of the babies spared from abortion because of my testimony, are in their 20s and they call me "Mama Shay." Yes they are alive and are young adults now! The sad thing is the baby I was forced to abort was never able to do so.

I am testimony that those of us hurt by abortion can be helped and healed!


Minister Sharon McLendon
AHGH Advocate/Facilitator
Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share