January 16, 2003-My Abortion Story

,  United States

January 16, 2003

Rev. Fr. Frank Pavone

Priests for Life

PO Box 141172

Staten Island, NY 10314

Dear Fr. Pavone,

I watch EWTN and listened to your homily last night. Though I'd like to speak up, I cannot do so in public, so if I may, I would like to speak up to you, anonymously, and share my experience with those you preach to.

I do regret my abortion. It happened twenty-eight years ago. I was young and naive, (foolish or stupid, you may say). I grew up in culture that taught it is wrong to have a child before marriage. However, nothing is mentioned of what to do if it happens, or when it happens. So scared was I of what my parents and family would say. So when my boyfriend (who is now my husband) suggested abortion, I did not object. It did not dawn on me at that time that it was a sin.

I confessed my sin at least more than twice, not convinced that such a grave mistake will be forgiven at a mere mention to a priest.

Four years ago, I was hospitalized for surgery. I brought with me a book about the healing power of the Eucharist. Part of the book told about a woman who had an abortion and prayed to find out what gender her child was. The answer to her prayer came in a dream.

About a week after I got out of the hospital, it was the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. After receiving communion, I remembered the woman's story and prayed to Our Lady and asked the same question - a boy or a girl? At the same time I asked for a sign that I had been forgiven. The answer to my prayer came in the mail. I received a card from my son's friend - a girl. The picture on the card is that of a pretty little girl holding a yellow flower. Inside, after she wrote get-well wishes, she wrote "Keep smiling! Jesus loves you!"

Father, this must be no coincidence. God answered my prayer through the intercession of the Blessed Mother.

May God bless you for all the good works that you do.

God's Daughter

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