It destroyed the relationship with my mother

,  United States

It destroyed the relationship with my mother.

I was just 16, unmarried and pregnant. I found out through a Dr. who was filling in for our regular family Dr. My mother was with me. We found out on a Monday and I had the abortion on the following Wednesday.

A very frightening and lonely experience. The clinic employees and abortionist were so cold. It was as if no one cared. Let's just get it over with.

It destroyed the relationship with my mother. There are times I still have a hard time being intimate with my husband. I feel sometimes I have a preoccupation with the death of my children.

It took me 14 years to deal with the abortion. I started to hear and see things on abortion and wanted to get involved somehow in pro-life. It wasn't until I did my first rescue that I came to grips with what I had done. Being involved with Operation Rescue made me come face to face with the horror of abortion. I then truly repented and accepted God's forgiveness.

It lowered my self esteem. I became sexually active as if I need[ed] someone's love because I didn't love myself. I became an angry person.

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