I knew that God could use me

Hi. My name is Beth. I’m 43 years old and had an abortion when I was 17. For the next 17 years I didn’t tell anyone, then I confided in my sister and began the slow process of healing. A couple of years after that I knew that God could use me to help other women, but first I needed to figure out how to help myself.

Finally, about a year ago and after several very clear signs from God, I spoke with my Pastor. He gave me the e-mail of a lady in Tennessee who wrote a book on emotional healing after an abortion. I ordered the book, did the study and decided to start holding classes. The book is bible based and incredible. The first class just finished up and I’m looking to start another class in August or so. The class is 12 weeks long and deals with several topics including forgiving myself and others, Gods grace, stray emotions such as anger guilt and a whole array of others. The class ends with a night of honor in which the child is recognized and given their place of honor among their respective families.

I have no idea where this class is headed and only know that I’m following the path that God has put me on. I do know that opening up and telling my story is a good thing. I’ve brought it out of the darkness and into the light. The condemnation that I once feared isn’t the giant that it once was and I can now talk about my past without bursting into tears.

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