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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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It has helped me realize that I am not alone, and that I can speak about what I did and be accepted.




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Baltimore, MD
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Leslie Dean
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Welcome to Silent No More on Maryland’s Eastern Shore!  My name is Leslie Dean, a Regional Coordinator in Maryland and twice I bought the lies of the world and sacrificed a child to abortion. After many years of living a dysfunctional and destructive lifestyle— symptoms of post-abortion stress, I found Jesus and the healing that I so desperately needed. I have been a registered nurse for 28 years working as a Behavioral Health Counselor and Psychiatric Nurse and He has led me to use my knowledge and skills to counsel victims of abuse and abortion. It was during this time that I heard about the Silent No More Campaign and immediately saw how God was using this group to wake up our country to the deception of abortion. What better way to reach a nation with the truth than through the testimonies of those of us who have been there? People can cast out research, expert opinions and religious beliefs as disputable.  But no one can deny, minimize or squelch the power of someone’s testimony!

Because one’s testimony is so powerful, God also led me to write a book.  I tried for seven years to deny this calling on my life, but one day, in the early morning hours before the sun rises, He told me, “Millions of women are suffering because they do not have the hope I have given you. Write the book.”  The battle was over and Forgiven Much was born. It is a book of fiction that is based on real life events and it not only dissects the abortion decision and its aftermath, it also unveils the numerous variables that may go into a woman making the choice. You can purchase Forgiven Much and read reviews at, or

Forgiven Much is a moving novel that reveals a story that many women in today’s culture can relate to. It is a journey through great pain and profound redemption. The author’s creative genius to set the story in Biblical times allows for a surprising second half of the book. Weaving together the current issues women face, with wisdom from On High, makes this a novel that will have lasting value for generations to come. I highly recommend this book to everyone, especially women. I proudly include it on our website as recommended reading.

Georgette Forney- Silent No More Awareness Campaign






In March, we hope to get every woman—and man—who has lost a child to abortion to come forward and be “silent no more” in Annapolis for our March for Life and help shake up our state! In 2001, I gave testimony in Annapolis, sharing my personal pain of post-abortion stress and its close symptomatic relationship to post-traumatic stress. I had hoped to persuade the Senators to pass legislation that would require abortion providers to give this information to women prior to their abortions so they could make an informed choice. Well, they need a lot more convincing and numbers speak volumes to government officials. Please feel free to contact me for details about the march or see the link under Upcoming Events.

If you are hurting, need answers or just an ear that will listen and more importantly, understand, please don’t hesitate to contact me. There is hope.

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Silent No More Awareness Campaign