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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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Los Angeles, CA
United States
Irene Zamorano
The Homicide of Leonor Bridgette Beltran
Read Irene's compelling testimony to see why she has dedicated the rest of her existence to fight this life and death war and why she is…..Silent No More.
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Welcome to Silent No More Awareness in Los Angeles and surrounding Counties.

My name is Irene and I am your Los Angeles and surrounding Counties Regional Coordinator. I invite you to join with us to reach out to those in our area who are heartbroken by the tragedy of abortion.

I am a post abortive woman who had an abortion at the age of 24. At the time I was a mother of six beautiful daughters ages ranged from 2-7 and had newly reunited with my, then husband while pregnant from another man. I was without God at the time and I wanted so desperately to have my family united without any dreadful memory of our separation.  I had no idea the choice I made would torment and almost destroy my entire family.  My ex-husband remains with nightmares and still has not forgiven himself (he was not there, but feels guilty for not doing enough to stop me). Now my family is left picking up the pieces of our broken hearts and fighting this life and death war. We will continue to fight on behalf of my daughter and their sister, to save women and their families from enduring this anguish.

I attended “Save One” 12 week bible study after abortion healing program in San Bernardino, CA to help me cope and heal from the horrific memories after I ended the life of my daughter.   Throughout these sessions I experienced God’s love and mercy. In this Program, I was finally able to give up my deep-bedded shame and guilt. I was finally able to share my secret with other women who had similar stories as mine. I was able to un-wrap all the layers of guilt, shame and self-hate that I carried deep within me. I received deep healing week after week and now I am compelled to speak out against the lies and destruction of abortion.

I pray you find comfort in knowing you are not alone and I pray you have the strength, courage, and wisdom to break your silence.  Our sisters are being deceived into thinking its ok to destroy their children for the sake of convenience.  Good, loving, and intelligent woman are falling into the hands of Satan when they allow their child’s heartbeat to be stopped or allow their dismemberment. Together we will change the future of this American Holocaust by exposing the lies of abortion and the devastation it brings to the mother, father and their families.

Silent No More Santa Clara has the following goals:

• Seek to raise public awareness about the emotional, physical and spiritual consequences of abortion through education, testimonies, and public witness.

• Reach out and provide information to those seeking help and healing after an abortion…Help is available - post-abortion counseling and after-care programs throughout our state!

• Invite post-abortive women and men to share personal testimonies about the harm and negative consequences abortion have caused them, their families and their relationships.
Most importantly to share healing and hope to those who have experienced abortion to help others avoid the pain and suffering of abortion.

• Hold gathering(s) at various locations though out California.

It is our sincere desire to help those still suffering from the consequences of abortion and to let them know that they are not alone. No longer does anyone need to suffer alone in silence and shame.

If you are suffering from the negative consequences of abortion, please contact me so I can find you an after-abortion recovery program.

If you have already attended an after-care program and are ready to join us by speaking the truth about abortion, we would love for you to join us at our gatherings. If you only feel comfortable holding a sign, that is ok too.

Please join us in being SILENT NO MORE I look forward to hearing from you so we can share our stories and see where God is leading you in the Silent No More Awareness Campaign.

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Silent No More Awareness Campaign