This original song (found at the close of this article) is a musical Christmas card, and a special thank you to all who labor to bring wounded souls to the Lord in Abortion Recovery Ministries.
The prolife movement, our faith communities, and our nation continues to be blessed by the witness of the women and men of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. The Campaign has done an amazing job equipping and empowering those healed of abortion loss to proclaim their stories of profound loss, healing and reconciliation in the public square.
The lyrics of our song, “On this Silent Night,” communicate two themes.
The surface story is that of a young man estranged from his beloved, and his longing for reconciliation and coming home; this is a strong emotional theme for many at the Holidays.
But on a deeper level, it about the relationship of each person’s heart and soul with their Heavenly Father. This relationship can be injured by sin, and by the challenges faced in life.
But like the woman in the song, God is waiting to welcome you back, to forgive your sins, bind up your wounds, and have you enter into His presence. The Lord is saying, “Come be transformed by the fire of my Divine Mercy and Eternal Love.”
May that fire burn brightly for you, On this Silent Night.