I was 16 when I got pregnant with my first child. Being young it was decided that abortion was my only option. An appointment was made and I was taken to an abortion clinic in Fort Worth. When we arrived at the clinic no one there talked to me asked me any questions nor gave me any counseling. They just seemed to want to get us in and out as quickly as possible.
I remember the room where the abortion took place. There was a ultrasound set up, but I couldn`t see the screen as it faced away from me. I remember the machine and the sound of it. The abortionist never talked to me and the nurse simply gave me a few instructions.
I left the clinic that day changed forever and stuffed the whole experience for many years. It was many years later when I first was invited to attend a Gala for our local pregnancy center and the that is when the Lord really began showing me that I needed healing. It was still several years before I would step into a Surrendering the Secret healing class.
Since going through the class my life has been changed forever and I know longer carry the weight of that secret. I had no idea that that abortion effected every area of my life and many of my relationships. Since going through the class, I now walk in forgiveness and freedom. My passion is to share my testimony and help other women find healing and forgiveness. That is why I am Silent No More. Revelation 12:11