Priests for Life’s Janet Morana salutes Walmart decision on Cosmopolitan


Priests for Life


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            

Contact:  Leslie Palma


TITUSVILLE, FL -- Janet Morana, executive director of Priests for Life and co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, today released a statement supporting Walmart for its decision to remove Cosmopolitan magazine from its checkout lines.

“Walmart has taken the first step in protecting our children from pornography,” she said. “I hope other national retailers follow suit, and that mom and pop stores across the country also take this very small step toward restoring the values on which our nation was built.”

Mrs. Morana noted that Priests for Life has supported Victoria Hearst of Praise Him Ministry in her effort to have Cosmopolitan removed from shelves or wrapped in brown paper to protect children.

“Victoria started the website to point out the dangers of this magazine. I have four young grandchildren and as soon as Victoria told me about the project, I was happy to get on board,” she said. “I’d like to help protect their innocence for as long as possible.”

Mrs. Morana also saluted the National Center on Sexual Exploitation for its work to keep the magazine away from children.


Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit