My broken cup

Posted by Béatrice Fedor

Today December 19th is the 13th anniversary of my second abortion. In January, it will be the 20th anniversary of my first abortion. This morning, my two year old son broke my “Mom” coffee cup. It reminds me that abortion broke my mother’s heart all those years ago. Two little shards broke off from the cup, just where I put my lips; a reminder of all the kisses I never gave my two children lost to abortion.

Rest in peace Alicia and Gabriel, you will never be forgotten. Mom loves you and fights the scourge of abortion in your memory now.

My cup has been broken but it is filled with blessings. I am reconciled with God and with myself, I have been married eight years to a wonderful man and last month, I gave birth to our fourth child (I’m nursing her while writing this post).

I don’t want to throw my Mom cup away. It is broken but it wasn’t shattered in a thousand pieces. It is possible to mend it, just like my broken heart was mended. I wish all women who had an abortion (even the hardest, rationalizing Pro-Choicer) could feel that hope, that as long as they are beating, our hearts can be mended and filled anew with the blessings of motherhood.

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