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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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For August Shockwaves, an outreach to abortionists and clinic workers

The horror of the undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress underscore this month’s focus of Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion.

In August, those who perform and assist in abortions are being invited to healing. Apart from the mother who experiences the abortion, this is the population most intimately involved in the abortion decision and procedure. Included in this outreach are clerical and administrative workers; counselors and social workers; medical staff who analyze, dissect and dispose of the unborn child’s body; nurses who provide medication and the abortionists who perform the actual procedures.

Father Frank Pavone, National Pastoral Director of Silent No More and author of Abolishing Abortion, explains:

“Of the many lessons to be learned from the undercover work of the Center for Medical Progress in regard to Planned Parenthood and organ harvesting, one is that abortion not only destroys babies and their mothers; it destroys the doctors who perform it. To be able to do what they do, and to discuss it so casually – over lunch – shows that they themselves have become dehumanized. When these people eventually leave the abortion industry, they are sorely in need of healing. We have seen this time and time again in our work with former abortionists and clinic workers.”

Father Pavone pointed out that the testimony of Holly O’Donnell, a phlebotomist interviewed on one of the Human Capital video releases, indicates she fainted the first time she was confronted with the remains of aborted children at a Planned Parenthood. She was told by a co-worker that “It still happens to a bunch of us.”

“Other former clinic workers have told us the exact same thing,” Father Pavone noted.

Kevin Burke, LSW, co-founder of Rachel’s Vineyard and an architect of Shockwaves, said:  

“The publicly sanctioned practice of fetal killing has an even darker fruit; the corruption of the mind, heart and soul of those who become facilitators and apologists for the practice. The Planned Parenthood videos reveal that just as with the Nazi doctors, these normal men and women learn to divorce the reality and fully gravity of their medical practice from their everyday life and activities. But it’s rare that they can continue this throughout their careers.

Silent No More co-founders Janet Morana and Georgette Forney have issued an invitation to anyone who has left the abortion industry, or who is looking for a way out, to take advantage of the opportunities for healing available through Shockwaves.

“We have worked with many people who have left the abortion industry, including Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who was instrumental in the effort to legalize abortion,” Mrs. Morana noted. “Anyone can find healing, just as he did.”

Mrs. Forney added: “Women who have had abortions find it hard to believe they can be forgiven, or forgive themselves, but those of us who have experienced God’s mercy are here to tell everyone that forgiveness and healing are possible, even for those who have spent years performing or facilitating abortion.”

To arrange an interview with anyone on the Shockwaves team or a former abortionist or clinic worker, call Leslie Palma at 347-286-7277 or email her at

The Campaign began November 11th, 2002.  As of February 2015, the Silent No More Awareness Campaign has held 1,436 Gatherings in 17 countries & 48 states with 5,934 women and men sharing their abortion testimonies. Testimonies have also been shared at 104 high schools and universities in the last 4 years, 26 in 2014. There are 2,233 testimonies posted on the Campaign website, with 332 that are shared via video!  Currently there are 16,225 people registered with the Campaign representing 77 countries. People who are not ready to join the Campaign, are invited to register their regret. So far, 4,890 women and 573men have said they regret their abortion or lost fatherhood.  Another552 women and men have posted memorials to their children.


The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is a joint project of Anglicans for Life and Priests for Life.  For more information, please visit our website:

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Silent No More Awareness Campaign