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Stories of abortion regret to again conclude March for Life
Women & men of Silent No More to gather at Supreme Court steps


Contact:  Leslie Palma - 917-697-7039

The women and men of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign will again give their testimonies of abortion regret on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court during the March for Life on Jan. 21.

Every year the Silent No More gathering concludes the nation’s biggest pro-life event by sharing stories of children lost to abortion, the consequences that followed for their parents, grandparents and others, and the healing that ultimately helped those who chose abortion to move forward.

Silent No More was founded by Priests for Life Executive Director Janet Morana and Anglicans for Life President Georgette Forney in 2002 to harness the power of these stories in the hope of reaching women before they have abortions, and to extend a hand to those still suffering the devastating aftermath of abortion.

“Abortion is a very political story, more so now than ever, but the testimonies of women like myself who have had abortions are personal, not political,” Mrs. Forney said. “They speak to the fear that left most of us feeling we had no freedom and no choice. There is healing to be found in speaking about it out loud. We want other moms and dads who may be suffering in silence to know that forgiveness and redemption are within reach.”

Mrs. Morana added, “What we have been saying since the Campaign started is that experience trumps rhetoric. Recently the media has been focusing on the stories of women who say they’ve had abortions and it was the right thing to do, but when you read between the lines you can see the trauma lingering for many, even those who call themselves pro-choice. Abortion is never the right choice.”

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life and Pastoral Director for Silent No More, said, “The concluding act of the March for Life each year is this powerful sharing of testimonies. Marchers are given a practical tool to bring home in these voices of those who have experienced abortion and repented. Let’s match their courage in giving these testimonies with our courage in sharing them.”

The testimonies will begin at approximately 2:30 p.m. and continue for several hours. They will be added to the many others that can be found at

For details of all Priests for Life activities at the March for Life, go to


Priests for Life is the world’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated exclusively to ending abortion. For more information, visit www.EndAbortion.US.



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Silent No More Awareness Campaign