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Everything You Need to Know About Abortion – For Teens
Published this month by Tan Books

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                         

Contact:  Leslie Palma - 917-697-7039

Catholic writer, speaker, EWTN host and Priests for Life Executive Director,  Janet Morana has written a new book, Everything You Need to Know About Abortion – For Teens, to expose the insidious lies the abortion industry sells to its youngest potential customers.

Everywhere they turn, today’s youth are bombarded with the message that abortion is normal and even good and they have few resources to tap into if they want to learn the truth. Janet’s new book, published April 22 by Tan Books, fills that gap.

Introducing readers to the unborn child and to the brutal methods used to kill this most innocent victim, Janet’s strong, impactful and practical message leaves no doubt that abortion is not only non-essential, but harmful.

This is Janet’s third book about abortion, the cause to which she has devoted more than 30 years of her life. Her first book was Recall Abortion: Exposing the Abortion Industry’s Exploitation of Women, published by Tan Books in 2013. She followed that in 2017 with Shockwaves: Abortion’s Wider Circle of Victims, published by Catholic Book Publishing.

A former school teacher, Janet realized the importance of reaching young people with a vital message they are not learning in public schools or through the media or entertainment industry. 

“Today’s teens need to be empowered with information as many of them will either face unexpected pregnancies themselves or have friends who do,” she said. “Secular society wants to convince them that abortion is the only choice when facing an unexpected pregnancy.”

Janet is the executive director of Priests for Life, co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, and the co-host of EWTN’s Defending Life and The Catholic View for Women. She is a sought-after pro-life speaker on the national and international stage. She has written opinion pieces for the National Catholic

Register, the Daily Caller, the Washington Times and numerous online media platforms, and is a regular guest on radio and television shows, both secular and religious.

Everything You Need to Know About Abortion – For Teens is available at,, and other sites. Contact Leslie Palma at or 917-697-7039 if you would like more information about the book or to schedule an interview with Janet Morana.

For more information, go to


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