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Priests for Life Leader Frank Pavone: “Accompany Me”

Pro-life Leader Frank Pavone, Director of Priests for Life, issued the following statement today:

“To say that the expressions of total support from around the world for me and my work have been ‘over the top’ with enthusiastic encouragement would be an understatement. Thank you for that.

“I am an open book. I post videos summarizing what I do each day from morning to night. And the history of my relationship with the hierarchy is a public matter, with detailed documentation. And as I said the other day in a special video message, I am and will always be a son of the Church, following her directives.

“My ministry team and I are keeping our eyes on the prize, moving forward together in our work of saving lives, healing the wounds of abortion, helping those who have had abortions to share their stories, advocating for pro-life laws, organizing rallies, holding prayer campaigns, electing pro-life candidates, working with the Holy See in the international arena, preparing to lead various events in conjunction with the March for Life and Walk for Life (including leading the National Prayer Service), preparing to bring national pro-life leaders together in February for another, national strategy summit, our 2023 plan of state-by-state action, and much more.

“As we continue the mission full force, I will also continue answering the questions people have about what the Vatican has done. I will conduct live Q and A sessions regularly about this situation, and, of course, will continue with our educational and pastoral programming on abortion and the pro-life movement.

“We do all of this in a positive spirit, and ask everyone to join us in that spirit as well. In particular, I think of Pope Francis encouragement to “accompaniment” – in other words, come alongside one another, with an open mind, a listening ear, a heart filled with good will.

“Some have written articles pretending to know what happened, and even pretending to read my mind, heart, and motives, as if they, rather than I, have lived through this every day for the last 21 years. God bless them, but they’re just making fools of themselves.

“These words of Pope Francis express the spirit in which I invite people to approach me and my work:

“The invitation to “come and see”, which was part of those first moving encounters of Jesus with the disciples, is also the method for all authentic human communication. In order to tell the truth of life that becomes history, it is necessary to move beyond the complacent attitude that we “already know” certain things. Instead, we need to go and see them for ourselves, to spend time with people, to listen to their stories and to confront reality, which always in some way surprises us” (Jan. 23, 2021, Message for the 2021 World Communications Day).

 “This action was taken by Pope Francis. Let’s follow his guidance on how to react to it.”

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