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Interview with Priest for Life's Janet Morana, Author of 'Recall Abortion'

Matt C. Abbott

Catholic Online

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The title Recall Abortion has a double meaning. First, the women who have had an abortion, even if they have gone through healing, still recall their abortion. In fact, many of them will recall the exact date of their abortion. In my book, I treat abortion as a failed product. If any product did what abortion does to women-physical and psychological damage-it would be pulled off the market.

WASHINGTON,DC (Catholic Online) - The following is a brief interview with Janet Morana, executive director of Priests for Life and co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, the world's largest mobilization of women who have had abortions.

QUESTION 1. Pope Francis has indicated a desire to minister to post-abortive women. How can we best put this into action?

JM: Recently I was with Pope Francis and had an audience with him. I told him about my work with Silent No More Awareness Campaign and Rachel's Vineyard. He was aware of these ministries and gave his blessing to continue and go forward with full speed in these healing ministries.

QUESTION 2. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the pro-life movement today, and how should we respond to that challenge?

JM: The biggest challenge today is to convince the clergy that they must not be silent on abortion in the pulpit. Let's face it: If everyone who professes belief in Jesus Christ would not tolerate abortion in their community, it would be over!

The response to this silence is to invite one of the women from the Silent No More Awareness Campaign to witness to your priests or pastor and then have them invite her to share her testimony to his congregation.

QUESTION 3. Could you give my readers an overview of your book Recall Abortion?

JM: The title Recall Abortion has a double meaning. First, the women who have had an abortion, even if they have gone through healing, still recall their abortion. In fact, many of them will recall the exact date of their abortion. In my book, I treat abortion as a failed product. If any product did what abortion does to women-physical and psychological damage-it would be pulled off the market.

I take on all the circumstances, including rape and incest, life of the mother, fetal anomaly, IVF and selective reduction. I show that abortion is always bad for the baby, but also equally bad for the woman. I make the case why we should demand a government "recall of abortion."  


Matt C. Abbott is a Catholic columnist with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication, Media and Theatre from Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, and an Associate in Applied Science degree in Business Management from Triton College in River Grove, Ill. He has worked in the right-to-life movement and is a published writer focused on Catholic and social issues. He can be reached at

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