Prayer for the Healing of Pro-life Advocates
You call us to defend the lives
Of our youngest brothers and sisters,
The children in the womb,
And to bring an end
To the violence of abortion.
Today we pray for strength and healing
For ourselves and all who work to end abortion.
We know, Oh Lord, that despite our faithful efforts
And our most effective strategies,
There are many children who are killed each day by abortion.
We could not reach or save them,
And we are wounded by the violent act of abortion
That took their lives.
Lord, we entrust these children to You,
And we grieve the loss of their lives,
Knowing this is a loss not only for their families,
But also for us.
Heal us of the pain of this loss.
As we feel the weight of these abortions,
Never let us be crushed by it;
As we experience sorrow because of these deaths
Never let us despair.
Bless all pro-life advocates.
Enable us to mourn in a healthy way,
Rather than to be absorbed by bitterness, anger, or discouragement.
Bless all those who counsel pregnant moms,
In pregnancy centers or on the sidewalks;
Bless all those who educate, teach, and preach,
And who elect pro-life candidates and pass pro-life laws.
Bless every facet of the pro-life movement
And every variety of pro-life work.
As all of us in this great movement do this work,
Enable us to endure misunderstanding, ridicule, and persecution,
With the patience and joy
That mark those who are filled with your Spirit.
Lord, as we work to change the world,
Let us also be changed by You.
And as we defend life,
May we find life eternal.
And as we rejoice
In the lives that are saved,
Continue to increase in us the hope
That comes from you
And that points us to the day
When all death and violence
Will be conquered by justice, love, and peace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen!