Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion

Prayer for Mothers who have Lost a Child to Abortion

by Fr. Frank Pavone

Lord of all Life,
You have entrusted us to the care of one another,
And called us to be one Body in Christ.

You call us to rejoice with those who rejoice,
And to weep with those who weep.

Lord, you have compared the love you have for us
To the love a mother has for her own child.

Hear our prayer today
For all mothers who have lost children to abortion.
Help us to understand
The pain that is in their hearts,
And to be a living sign to them
Of your welcome, your mercy, and your healing.

Help them to undergo with courage
The process of grief and the journey of healing.
Never allow them to feel alone;
Always refresh them with the presence of Your Spirit
And of their brothers and sisters in Christ.

Console them with the sure hope
That you love and care for their children.
Give them new strength,
That even while they grieve what they have lost,
They may look forward to all the good
That you still have in store for them.

Lord of healing and hope,
Give us all the forgiveness of our sins,
And the joy of your salvation.

We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.

Prayer of a Mom who Lost a Child to Abortion

by Fr. Frank Pavone

Lord God of Peace,
I thank you for your love for me,
Which is more tender than the love
Of a mother for her child.

I thank you for your forgiveness,
Which is more generous
Than the forgiveness human beings can offer.

Thank you for helping me to know
That I am not my abortion.
Rather, I am your daughter, Beloved and Redeemed,
For whom your Son would have died
If I were the only one who needed salvation.

Save me always
From the menacing voice of useless guilt and the oppressive force of shame.

Rather, lift me up in the light, peace, and grace
Of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ,
Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen




A Prayer for Those Afraid of their Motherhood

Lord God, we thank you, the Source of Life, for all those who have welcomed and nurtured our lives.
In particular, we thank you for our mothers, who with trust in you and self-sacrifice beyond description, have made it possible for us to live and praise you today.
Give them the reward of their labors.

Today, Lord, we also pray for mothers who are afraid of being mothers.
We pray especially for those carrying a child within them, but afraid to bring that child to birth.

Look with favor on these, your daughters, and give them trust and strength.
Enable them to give themselves to their children, as you give yourself to us, and to experience the joys of motherhood.

Enable us to do our part to encourage them and provide for their needs.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen