Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion

The Prodigal Father: David and His Son Daniel Grieve the Impact of Abortion on their Family

1823021Many years after the Roe V Wade decision legalized abortion in the U.S., a young man named Daniel Rosa stood at the steps of the Supreme Court and shared how abortion has impacted his family.

Daniel’s shared his grief at the loss of a sibling to abortion. His story reveals the truth of how the Abortion Shockwaves touch not only the mother, but also the father and siblings of an aborted child.

The Sins of the Father

Daniel’s public testimony is directly linked to his father’s journey of abortion loss and healing.

Daniel’s father, David Rosa shares that at a time of darkness and weakness in his life, he made decisions that hurt his marriage and family and took the life of his unborn child, conceived in an adulterous affair.

After attending a Rachel’s Vineyard weekend and a period of careful discernment, David shared his abortion story with his son Daniel. Within David’s story is an important message not only for his son, but for all men to hear.

If you fall, being a real man means having the courage and humility to honestly face your failings and the ways your selfishness, blindness and sin have injured others. (For some men, these behaviors may flow from past abuse and unacknowledged loss.) With God’s grace, and with the help of others you can find healing and peace for yourself and your family.

Daniel’s testimony reveals that even after he learns of his father’s failings, while grieved for the pain this caused his parents and family, and the loss of his sibling, he came away with an even deeper respect and love for his dad.

The Harvest is Plentiful

Consider how many fathers have engaged in affairs and coerce their partner’s abortions to cover up their sinful secrets and lies. Without healing they will continue to act out this sin and emotional pain in their lives and relationships, often falling into chemical and sexual addiction to repress and deny this pain.

The first step is to find compassionate support, reconciliation and healing in an abortion recovery program. The Men and Abortion Network can also help you find free one on one counseling and mentor support.

Abortion recovery opens the door to a supportive network of clergy/ministers, counselors and fellow Christians who understand the post abortion journey.

This support is essential as you begin the healing process for yourself and your family.