Burke on KBVM.FM Radio
January 23, 2015

Janet Morana on the SonRise Morning Show
January 22, 2015
Janet Morana will talk about the new Silent No More initiative, Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion, on the SonRise Morning Show at 7:10 a.m. Jan.22. Listen online at

He Used to Kill Babies, Now "I Regret Performing Abortions and Will Never Do One Again"
January 15, 2015
A former abortion practitioner is a part of a new campaign to shed light on women who regret their abortions and former abortion clinic staffers who regret their involvement in the abortion industry.

Priests for Life launches campaign to highlight 'shockwaves' of abortion
January 15, 2015
Every day, pro-life activists act to prevent the devastation of abortion from claiming unborn children and their mothers. Last week, Priests for Life launched a "Shockwaves" campaign to show how abortion also affects siblings, grandparents, fathers, and even abortionists...MORE

Dr. Alveda King: Nicki Minaj Will Realize Abortion ‘Was Bad for Me and My Baby'
January 10, 2015
Despite the media’s narrative, the loss of a little baby through abortion is not easily forgotten, according to pro-life leaders...

Pro-life group unveils new healing initiative for victims of abortion fallout
January 9, 2015
Priests for Life and the Silent No More Awareness Campaign yesterday held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. announcing the unveiling of "Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion," a new initiative to reach out to those affected by the killing of children in the womb...MORE

Family Research Council joins Silent No More Awareness in their launch of Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion Campaign
January 8, 2015
Family Research Council joined the Silent No More Awareness Campaign in a news conference at the National Press Club to promote the Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion initiative, a year-long effort to reach all the different groups of people who are or have been impacted by an abortion...MORE

Alveda King on 'Black Lives Matter' – 'From Conception to Natural Death'
January 8, 2015
The niece of Martin Luther King Jr., Alveda King, said on Thursday that the rallying call of protestors in recent weeks that “black lives matter” should not only refer to the treatment of blacks by police but also to black babies in their mothers’ wombs.
Project helps family members grieving loss by abortion
January 8, 2015
Abortion “doesn’t happen in a vacuum,” said Georgette Forney, president of Anglicans for Life and co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign...

Tuesday, Jan 6 at 6 p.m. ET on Radio Maria’s “Gospel of Life” Program
January 6, 2015
Abortion is not a social good, and in 2015, the Silent No More Awareness Campaign will demonstrate that through a new project called Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion.
Join host Janet Morana as she discusses this new project with Georgette Forney, who co-founded Silent No More with Janet; Kevin Burke, co-founder of Rachel's Vineyard and an authority on post-abortion grief, and Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life ...MORE