Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion

The Hidden Abortion Pain of Grandparents: A Journey from the Calvary of Traumatic Loss to the Miracle of Resurrection

At age 19 Leann’s daughter, Lisa, faced an unplanned pregnancy. The father of the child and his parents pressured Lisa to have an abortion...MORE

"The Movie "Unplanned"

The Movie "Unplanned": Before You Take Your Kids to See the Film, Check out this Important Feedback from an Expert on Siblings of Aborted Children...MORE

"A Rising Tide of Grief: The Hidden Abortion Pain of Grandparents

Donna became aware that many in the congregation where deeply moved by the acknowledgement of their grief as grandparents...MORE

"My Dad Made Me Have the Abortion": A Desperate Grandfather Opens the Door to Healing for His Family

A riveting case study of a desperate father and mother’s attempt to save their daughter from an abusive boyfriend. The discover the best chance of saving their daughter will require dealing with their own role in pressuring their daughter to have an unwanted abortion. The curtain is pulled back on how profoundly abortion loss can de rail family relationships. You will also see how a therapist with sensitivity to post abortion issues can help a family heal...MORE

A Grandmothers Story of Abortion Trauma and Family Healing

I cannot explain the level of grief and anger that flooded my heart and soul. I was filled with rage at the hospital and all involved with the procedure...MORE

Should I Tell My Parents About My Past Abortions?

I had never told my parents about my three abortions. Now it looked like I was going to have to break 36 years of silence. I was afraid and nervous. Would they judge me? Would they criticize me for the choices I had made? Would they be angry? Would they reject me?...MORE

Fr Ben Cameron: The Call to Holiness for All Touched by Abortion Loss

Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion:  An interview with Fr Ben Cameron of the Fathers of Mercy...MORE