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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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It has helped me realize that I am not alone, and that I can speak about what I did and be accepted.




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Words of Encouragement

Silent No More has changed my life because it has given me the courage to speak up about my abortion story. I kept my abortion story a secret for 15 years. Knowing that there are other women in this situation with me, helps me know that I am not alone. We have a sisterhood that no one will understand. When I attended my first March for Life with Silent No More, I carried my "I Regret My Abortion". I felt so ashamed. I thought people would judge me once I went public. Instead, they have welcomed me with open arms and have expressed their thankfulness for having the courage to speak up. Through SNM, I have written and published my story. This has allowed me to meet other women who are going through an abortion decision or who have made an abortion decision and are looking for help and answers.


The Silent no more awareness Campaign has positively impacted my life, because I am never ashamed, upset with myself or angry with myself, other people, or even my GOD! I am relieved to be able to share my personal story with the Silent No More Awareness Campaign! Thank GOD for this website. Count on me to continue to share my personal story on Facebook, twitter or wherever I have to in order to let everyone know the awful truth about abortions and the negative effect abortions leaves on your life and the scars unseen left on my personal life!

After sharing with others that I regret my abortion, I have been freed to live life the way God had intended, in the light and free from guilt and shame. I have genuine relationships now, no longer based on the false pretense of a hidden secret. I will gladly speak to anyone about this decision and how abortion hurts women.

The knowledge that I've gained, has helped me to communicate helpful information to my peers, who have been suffering in silence. It also has helped when they have contacted me to aid them in preventing their own daughter from getting an abortion. To see those babies celebrate their birthdays and Baptisms, etc. has been a huge gift from God to help me in dealing with the loss of the potential grandchildren I could have been enjoying now.

I discovered that I was not alone, that there were other women like myself who regretted their abortion. Because of the SNMAC I was able to share with my children and some close friends. Opening up or surrendering the secret is when my healing began. Since then I have attended the March for Life 2011 and I am participating in the 40 Days for Life. I will begin a bible study for post abortive women in mid-April. Praise God for the SNMAC!

SNM is the face of reality (through testimony)of what abortion really is and isn't. SNM grounded me in the truth, the truth that set me free. Free to be forgiven, Free to talk about, free to help change society back to the side of life.

For many years I have had the desire for something positive to come out of my experience of having an abortion but I was afraid & ashamed. I hadn't even told very many people because I thought they would think less of me if they knew. I now feel able to talk about my experience especially knowing it may help someone else.

To become a Regional Coordinator you ask us to go through a healing program. I thought the counseling I had received from my pastor and counselor was enough. I found that going through the healing program showed areas I had not healed in. Silent No More has helped me grow. I could share openly with people now, have programs to help others, found myself growing stronger in my life, and even mention my children now. Silent No More helped me fulfill a vow I made 34 years ago, to become a "medical missionary." I do not practice medicine, but as a friend or sister to everyone I can listen to their stories. I can help them find or refer them to others who can help. Silent No More gave me the tools to use.

[The Campaign] ..has helped me go through the grieving process so long after my abortion. I did not realize how much it had impacted my life until reading about other's experiences. Most of all, I know that I am not alone.

I felt empowered by the opportunity to speak on the Supreme Courthouse steps during the 2011 March for Life. I was very affected by the presence of other women and men who had experienced abortions, and felt validated when they expressed their own pain. The experience has encouraged me to continue in my efforts to fight in the pro-life movement.

This is just to thank you for all that you and everybody with the Silent No More group had to do to make the rally, march, and gathering on the steps of the Supreme Court yesterday such a success. It was a blessing and honor to be able to participate. The act of sharing my testimony along with all the other wonderful, brave souls was such a powerful experience for both myself and my husband. So much so that I am now going to look into becoming a regional coordinator! I am amazed at your energy! I know God must have His hand on you, Georgette and Father Frank in a mighty way. What must have gone into the making of yesterday boggles my mind. But thank you again for letting us participate, and God Bless you in all you do!


Dr. Alveda King, niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., has had two abortions. Today, she has joined the growing coalition of women who deeply regret their abortions and are "Silent No More." Out of deep personal pain and compassion for others, they challenge us to respect, protect and tangibly love both the mother and the child. The women of Silent No More give post-abortive women a safe place to grieve and a roadmap for reconciliation. And to society at large, these brave women compel us to rethink and reassess the far-too-cheap sophistry of our abortion culture. Reflecting on her uncle’s famous speech, Alveda King asks: "How can the 'Dream' survive if we murder the children?"

Congressman Chris Smith to the 35th Annual March for Life

The most poignant sight for me at this year’s annual pro-life march and demonstration in Washington, D.C. was the large number of women holding signs saying they regretted their abortions.

Democratic Sen. Zell Miller of Georgia, in his book "A National Party No More-The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat."

Women who have long suffered because of abortion are speaking out. "Silent No More," these women braved the frigid weather last of January to stand before the Supreme Court and tell their personal stories of the horror that is abortion. These brave women can attest to the destructiveness of abortion as no others can. They are helping others understand that every abortion kills a mother’s child, and causes incalculable harm to the mother herself. Thanks to them and to other witnesses whose stories cut through the politically correct obscurity of "choice," Americans are gradually waking up.

Cardinal William Keeler, Archbishop of Baltimore

Georgette and Janet, I just want to thank you so much for all of the good that you are doing. I am so grateful to both of you. I realize that I have a LONG way to go in healing, but you have given me and others the opportunity to share our painful stories and to be SILENT NO MORE, and this helps me to know that my baby's life was not taken in vain, that he counts for something that is going to make a difference for so much good in our country, by helping people know how heartbreaking it is that our own children are casualties of the horror of abortion. Please know that you are always in my prayers and I am so grateful to God for both of you. Thank you for your "yes" to God and for doing this important work for the Culture of Life to truly be lived on earth, as it is in Heaven.


I just want you to know how God used you to speak to my heart. I was at the pro-life march several days ago. When I saw all the women standing there with signs, I became undone and was so compelled to go to them and kiss and hug each one. And so I did. Why? Because everyone of us could be standing on that curb with a sign listing all our sins and how we regret them. Though I have never had an abortion, I have messed up and there is nothing I can do to undo the messes, but like you, I have allowed God to turn my messes into a message to help others. Praise God for all His forgiveness and Mercy. Praise Him for all the very brave women who stood there. .. Please tell the women I will never forget them and I am changed forever having met them. ...


I'm so glad that Heritage House will be making these buttons! I'm looking forward to wearing mine! I was in front of a Planned Parenthood last Saturday with my I Regret My Abortion sign... a couple changed their mind! They waved to me as they were driving away! Later I overheard the escorts saying it was because of my sign, or something like that. This gives me more courage, to stand out there and shine the light. Thank God for Silent No More!


I attended a Silent No More event here in St. Louis last year and was able to bring home one of the posters that said "I Regret My Abortion". I placed the sign in my window which faces a busy street and the playing field of a high school. I had it there for some months and had contemplated removing it for a couple of weeks. One night there was a knock at the door. My husband answered it and there was a very teary young woman there who wanted to speak to the woman who put the sign in the window. My husband called me over and this woman and I talked for about 45 minutes about her experiences and regrets. I gave her a copy of Forbidden Grief. I have not heard from her since, this was about 2 months ago. However, my point is that I am so happy I left the sign in the window and could be there for her when she needed some help. This is to let you know how effective this sign is. I keep it in my window and have even tried to make it more visible. Thank you for your ministry.


I was driving my children and carpooler home from school today and saw a car with the bumper sticker prominently displayed, "I Regret My Abortion." I was stunned and amazed by the courage of the driver. I wanted to honk and give her a thumbs up but was unsure whether she would understand my intent. I just wanted to send you a note telling you how profoundly grateful I am to you and Ms. Forney for leading this campaign. ..... please, please continue your good work! America needs your bravery, courage, and words of truth. Abortion truly stops a beating heart and breaks many others.


I am a Silent No More participant and have reached out beyond what I ever thought I could or would do since last year at the first Silent No More press conference that took the State Capitol... Since than I feel I have been ‘Set Free’ and have shared my story at our local churches, [RTL] dinner, the radio station, etc. Another new participate of Silent No More...and me have a group ...for post abortive woman using the book ‘Forgiven and Set Free’ and we hope to take this to the prisons this summer. I have shared this with you to confirm that being Silent No More is a healing outlet and reaches others as well so they can more easily share their pain and know they are not alone.


Thank you for all of your efforts, both great and small. As a "victim of choice" who hid in my prison for over 25 years, stepping into the light was so terrifying. I am so encouraged by organizations like yours. We are not alone and our pain IS real. Thank you.


Keep up the great work ladies. I know you are helping to change minds, hearts and actions - one at a time.


By being able to speak out and share with others. It has also opened a door where I now serve on the Owensboro Right to Life Board.

It's good to use the tragedy to help others not make the same decision.

I have become the Regional Coordinator for Manitoba so that when someone is searching the internet for information they will find someone in Manitoba.

People ask how I can possibly speak to children (and next week to my parish through a faith-sharing group) about my experience. I tell them that I have been given so much that I have to speak about it and try to give back. My testimony on Silent No More is another way to give voice to what needs to be heard so desperately in our culture of death and negativity. At first, I was afraid that it was out there so publicly and that I am pretty easily recognizable in the testimony. Soon, I realized that it was o.k. and I am at peace with it--and am happy to help. I pray someone reads it and takes comfort and seeks the lasting help that I have received.

I had been emotionally beating myself up for 25 years. I still have some things to work through, but the Forgiven and Set Free class helped me a lot.

Knowing that other PA women were sharing their stories publically encouraged me to do likewise.

I had the privilege of giving my testimony at the Ohio Statehouse the 1st year it started. I also sent my testimony in to be posted online or wherever.

Just the empowerment that comes with not feeling alone anymore has changed my life!

To speak up... And take a stand against the evil of abortion.

By reading about others who have gone through the same suffering such as drug/alcohol abuse, sex abuse and suicidal thoughts. Also the guilt, sadness and loneliness of not having my children and watching everyone have theirs. Also knowing how much you do to console so many who suffer from the pain.

To be able to share my story and to know I am not alone. Collectively as a group to give our babies voices now by exposing abortion for what it is...a lie from the pit of hell!! I would like to get more involved again. I learned about other healing programs etc...I am so grateful for Georgette and how she really helped me in the beginning.

It helps to know that my past sin is forgiven and I can speak out against abortion.

Just knowing that there are other women like me, who know what a grave mistake they made and want to prevent other women from going through the same pain we've endured.

Meeting of others who are also on the journey of healing being able to help others to begin their journey.

I now work as a Director at a Crisis Pregnancy Center and my goal is to make abortion un-thinkable.

It has given me the opportunity to speak and tell my story, sometimes affecting other families' thought process on abortion.

Yes, SNM is muscular, aggressive and LOUD. Abortion is an obscenity, and SNM tells it like it is.

I felt empowered by the opportunity to speak on the Supreme Courthouse steps during the 2011 March for Life. I was very affected by the presence of other women and men who had experienced abortions, and felt validated when they expressed their own pain. The experience has encouraged me to continue in my efforts to fight in the pro-life movement.

We think the witness of post -abortive women / men will turn the nation against abortion.

Just knowing that there are people trying to make sure women understand the consequences of abortion, knowing that I am not alone in the pain and remorse I felt.

I get to tell my story, and it's cathartic.

It has helped me go through the grieving process so long after my abortion. I did not realize how much it had impacted my life until reading about other's experiences. Most of all, I know that I am not alone.

Silent No More has given me purpose. I now hopefully get to make an impact with my own story, and by becoming a regional coordinator I hopefully will get to help others find healing.

You allowed me to give my testimony in front of the Supreme Court in Washington D.C. It has had a powerful impact on my friends and family.

To become a Regional Coordinator you ask us to go through a healing program. I thought the counseling I had received from my pastor and counselor was enough. I found that going through the healing program showed areas I had not healed in. Silent No More has helped me grow. I could share openly with people now, have programs to help others, found myself growing stronger in my life, and even mention my children now. Silent No More helped me fulfill a vow I made 34 years ago, to become a "medical missionary" I do not practice medicine, but as a friend or sister to everyone I can listen to their stories, I can help them find or refer them to others who can help. Silent No More gave me the tools to use.

After knowing others have had the strength to share about what had happened to them, helped me to do the same. also to tell the truth of what really happens to you when you have an abortion. so that others will know before the choose abortion.

The knowledge that others have gone through the same pain; that they have come forward; the "sisterhood" of the abortion experience; that this is perhaps a good place for me to share my dreadful secret and then take the next steps to healing.

I appreciate the helpful links and the work you are doing.

By giving me a venue to share my story and speak out against abortion, but also for guiding me to a post-abortion Bible Study, which allowed Jesus to heal me on a deeper level and help me find the freedom to grieve for my child and give her the acknowledgment and dignity her life deserves.

I have found some wonderful people through this ministry. I have had many opportunities to share my story and to meet others informally at events and prayer vigils. I feel blessed by the experience.

Helping me realize I'm not alone at all.

To see the videos of women sharing their stories was mind-blowing. I realized how much shame I was still harboring when I saw the courage of these women. So many women like me were suffering silently. WHY?? It makes no sense. If abortion is such a great alternative, why all the shame and secrecy? Why don't we see the procedure on PBS or any other station like a heart surgery, organ transplants? Our society is in such denial about the instinctual wrongness or abortion.

Now, I'm going to Rachel's Vineyard monthly support meetings and meeting other women like myself. WHAT a breath of fresh air to be able to speak in a room about my life so openly. I'm definitely healthier emotionally for it. I've shared with other non-Christian women friends who have had abortions, about my recovery experience and they are very moved by it. I'm not hiding my story anymore. Slowly I feel these women might be coming around - but that's God's job, I can only be open and honest. It's a major relief to not be second-guessing how I should be talking about this. I've also shared it with one of my grown stepsons. There's no telling what the ripple effect is, but I know it is good.

Being able to partner with others who have gone through the trauma of abortion. Realizing I am not alone, and I'm not crazy! Loving support system to continue the process of healing through peeling back the layers and untangle the web of deception abortion lies have created in my life and the lives of others.

Yes i have been talking to the preacher about it. Finally admitting what i have done.

For many years I have had the desire for something positive to come out of my experience of having an abortion but I was afraid & ashamed. I hadn't even told very many people because I thought they would think less of me if they knew. I now feel able to talk about my experience especially knowing it may help someone else.

Giving testimony to bring good out of a horrible situation.

By God's grace and forgiveness, and a friend who introduced me to the campaign. I now have more courage to do sidewalk counseling at abortion clinics, and hold my "I regret my abortion" sign.

I no longer feel so alone.

SNMAC has allowed me to express myself without condemnation; it has encouraged me to speak openly and to educate others on the affects of abortion. I am confident that God has led me towards being involved with SNMAC and put my total trust in Him, thanks to the guidance and building of my leadership skills are attributed to Georgette, Janet and Fr. Frank.

Silent No More has impacted me a great deal. I have been a part of Silent No More for 4 years. I have seen it grow in Phoenix Arizona. Silent No More here in Phoenix Arizona has been a Blessing. The ladies have been a great support system. Each brings many different talents to the table and I am proud to be a part of this group.

It helps to know i am not alone.

Learning the stories of others has given me strength to continue giving my testimony whenever I can.

It's valuable for women to be brave in their repentance and work against the lies of aborticide.

I have been given the chance to speak out about my abortion and the trauma it caused in my life in order to provide testimony in hopes that others will not travel the same path. SNM has provided supportive people who know my pain and are on the healing path too.

Supports our stories, gathers stats, encourages openness then supports the women who tell their stories.

YES! Lots of ways... Speaking with SNM has enabled me to further my healing each time I speak my testimony, as well as bringing honor to my daughter's life (Lily Rose), and ultimately glory to Him -- the Mighty Healer. I hate to think back to where I would be without Him!!!

I wear my SNM sign every Saturday morning at Planned Parenthood where I help to sidewalk counsel -- I know for certain one baby and mother who were saved as a result! I give all glory to Him who has given me the strength and courage to be His hands, His feet, and His voice. Many people passing by have stopped to share their own abortion story with me - which opens up the door to share healing opportunities with them and the love of Christ (whom the healing comes from).

Being SNM has also opened up the door to healing for other post-abortive friends and family which encourages me to continue to speak the truth -- so others can be set free as well. My heart overflows with joy to see someone be encouraged by my transparency and Faith in Him to seek their own healing journey.

Finally, through SNM I am living proof that "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28.

I participated (shared my testimony) at a rally in Riverside, CA.

Offering the truth from those who have experienced abortion and sharing the facts, instead of political correctness or catering to high dollar abortion industries.

SNM is the face of reality (through testimony) of what abortion really is and isn't. SNM grounded me in the truth, the truth that set me free. Free to be forgiven, Free to talk about, free to help change society back to the side of life.

Well I finally forgave myself for having an abortion. Although It was not my fault that I had an abortion. I didn't want one. It's was because of my age at the time. That I had no choice….. Through Silent No More I learned to forgive MY Mom And Me. Also I would like to speak to other women about my and their experienced About Abortions. God Bless You, for all that you do. Thank you again. Jean

SNMAC has brought me together with my sisters and brothers, hearing their stories and the encouragement they gave me in seeking healing at Rachel's Vineyard. Also knowing I am not alone in my pain - not alone in my fears - not alone in my nightmares. It is because of SNMAC and 40 Days for Life that I am finally healing.

I had been going to the March for Life regularly, but when I heard that there would be speakers from Silent No More I knew that I wanted to be a part of that. I learned about Rachel's Vineyard as a result of speaking with SNM

Just by being there & by being vocal.

Being able to give my testimony in a very public arena helped me not to be afraid to tell it any time God led me to.

I know I don't always respond but I am deeply impressed with the work you do and the emails you send to me. I love your courage.

Silent No More has impacted my life in so many ways I can't describe. Mostly it has freed me up to share my story to help Other people still suffering from the trauma of abortion, and I have a community of people in my life that is unbelievable and all I want to do now is promote the cause of life, and help other heal from post abortion trauma

It speaks out loud about this evil doing. It gives me opportunity to pray and participate to help others and hopefully to make the women seeking an abortion change their mind and to not kill their child. Also it helps me to be a better mother for our son.

By allowing me to share my testimony and the song that I recorded on their website. I know how powerful my testimony is as I have shared portions of it in the jails all over the country through Bill Glass Champions for Life. Therefore, any opportunity I have or organization willing to allow me to share the power of God's Holy Spirit to heal those ravaged by abortion, I am excited to share.

It has been redeeming grace to give my testimony in public. Christ has made these testimonies bear fruit which is very gratifying.

Yes, much so to see all the woman abortion has affected negatively and to know now i do not have to be silent no more, and I can talk out loud and tell my story.


SNMA gave me the opportunity to speak out against abortion, and tell the truth of its negative impact on my life - the terrible guilt and shame. I gave testimony on the steps of the Supreme Court at the March for Life 2010. My video clip is on your YouTube website. I prayerfully hope someone sees it, and decides to not make a fatal choice.

We are the ones who need to speak up the most, those who have had abortions.

20 Years later I really saw how big my baby was at 13 weeks. The silent scream video. I immediately got help through a pastor.

They've helped me come to the realization, that there are a lot more women just like me out there. And we together can make a difference in the lives of others who are suffering and those who are about to make that crucial choice.

I was able to speak on the steps of the courthouse, and I met some great friends, like Rebecca Porter, through SNM.

It confirmed what I already knew...that young women like I was at the time of my abortion are being fooled that it's the answer that will solve everything. I believe God wants to use my experience to help young women to either avoid the pain I've gone through or heal through it. And also to know there's forgiveness and love awaiting them when we turn to Christ for comfort.

To know that I am not alone.

It helped me to not be afraid to share my story with others where it was appropriate. Family members and testimony at church and friends. It helped me to help my daughter as she was fighting the truth and then finally little by little knowing she did do wrong and was forgiven and the children she aborted(5)are in heaven and she will see them someday in Heaven. She is still experiencing nightmares and has mental issues but the truth is out and she is aware of the reasons behind destroying her body (drugs, bulimia,) and the guilt and shame. It was a secret we kept from everyone. Many years later found out my mother (79) had an adoption and an abortion. It was her secret she never shared with me yet had so much anger towards her children.

Helped me feel I could share my secret. Let me know there were others like me suffering after abortion and that we'd all been told a GIANT LIE!

I discovered that I was not alone, that there were other women like myself who regretted their abortion. Because of the SNMAC I was able to share with my children and some close friends. Opening up or surrendering the secret is when my healing began. Since then I have attended the March for Life 2011 and I am participating in the 40 Days for Life. I will begin a bible study for post abortive women in mid-April. Praise God for the SNMAC!

A blessing to stand outside Planned Parenthood with my "I regret my abortion" sign that was ordered through your organization.

By informing me of the many common struggles and battles of other women who have had abortion; know that I am not alone. Being able to speak to someone who actually had an abortion. And knowing that my voice can make a difference and possible help save a life.

Has given me the courage to actually speak out and speak up. Knowing that there are so many others out there that feel, think and believe the way I do about abortion has helped me to find the courage and stamina to fight the lies. I'm no longer afraid.

I have been able to help others by speaking out and that helps me further heal.

SNM gave me the courage to help others find the healing and self forgiveness I received. It gave me the strength to be open to talking to others about my experience and how what I thought could solve my unplanned pregnancy problem only created a lifetime of regret problem. SNM gives me the platform, tools and support to educate people in 2 main ways; that in reality abortion does not end a regret but creates a lifelong regret, and secondly the truth that it kills an innocent human being and can never be justified or morally right.

I attended one of the very first "Silent No More" marches in Atlanta during the annual March For Life in January. I marched with the "I Regret My Abortion" poster. I didn't march for several years and then ended up walking with my sign by myself at different pro-life marches. This past January I tried to contact the Regional Rep (LaKisha Chapman) to see if there was a group marching, but never heard back. So, I marched by myself again. I would LOVE to see the Atlanta-area group gets more involved. I am now working with the "40 Days For Life" group, standing with my "I Regret My Abortion" sign outside of an abortion clinic several times a week.

When I found your site it was a few months before the March For Life. I just knew right away that I needed to share my story to be free from what I did, your website allowed me to do that for the first time in a "safe" way. I had wanted to go to the March For Life for a while, now I knew that I HAD to march with Silent No More and make sure I shared what abortion does to people.

Encouragement. When someone read my story on Stand UP Girl, I was contacted and spoke at the first rally in Salem Oregon on the Capital Steps with Silent No More Group...there was 11 of us. It was shortly after that event that I went on a Rachel's Vineyard Retreat. THANK YOU!

I was able to participate in the Walk in San Francisco a couple of years ago and share my testimony at the end, with about 10 other women. It was amazing to be part of such a large gathering of prolife supporters and carry the "I Regret My Abortion" sign. I feel that I can speak with great authority about the deception of abortion being a good choice.

1. Confirmed that I am not alone in pain, anger and loss.
2. Been an avenue that I can help other hurting men and women.
3. Helped me complete my healing.
4. Helped us form a post-abortion support group.
5. Given me a forum for sharing my testimony.

Sharing with other women and speaking out has been healing.

I realized I was not alone. I realized the pain, regret, depression and darkness I experienced for 20 years was not unique to me. All I heard from the pro-abortion faction was that any woman who regretted her abortion was an aberration; that she had just fallen prey to the "patriarchy" who was making her feel guilty needlessly. I found support, love, acceptance and the courage to speak out about the evil I had experienced. I found strength.

It was a big step for me to stand in front of Supreme Court during first Silent No More campaign. Finally being able to be completely public and share with others has helped me understand how important healing is.

It was great to hear all of the other stories and to see just how many and how every type of woman has had this experience.

I am glad that those that have had abortions can speak out against killing their unborn babies in a society that promotes elective abortion (around half a billion in the US since 1973) as a means of population control while capitalizing on the sexualization of our culture.

It gave me an outlet to share my abortion experience. It has changed my life for the better, although I regret what I did, I don't dwell on my mistake but try to help others not make the same mistake.

When I first realized there was an active campaign to give post-abortive women an influential position from which to express their regret for the abortion they had had, I was really encouraged. From the onset of the SNM efforts I knew this would be a powerful weapon against the forces of death and the lies. Who can refute an authentic and personal witness to what really happened? This is a time-tested testimony; abortion seems like a quick fix- but 10, 20, 30 years later it still came back to haunt me in various forms- until I faced it, spoke about it in truth, and got forgiveness. Then Freedom came!

SNMAC has allowed me to continue in my healing journey by reading what others have been through and also to be able to share my story so others can receive the grace of God through my testimony. It has also given me an opportunity to share my story publicly. There was tremendous healing in that.

More positive about my future and great joy in working with others for post abortive healing.

Path helped me to see how many of us face the same darkness's, before and after our abortion. First the darkness of despair and aloneness that turned us to abortion, then the darkness of seeing the light of truth of our sin, then darkness of guilt, and the biggest darkness of thinking our sin is too large for even God to forgive.

Path helped me to see that after 12 years of hiding, I could finally rest. Path was for me, a group of hurting women, we are all spirit made weak, as one body, all seeking the same thing, to be forgiven, to heal, to come out of hiding, to be with God, and to rest that our children are with him too, and we will see them again.

Path showed me I was not alone, someone did care, and God forgave me, even when I couldn't understand how, or forgive myself.

SO, how has Silent NO more impacted my life? I am now a pro-life warrior! Have since then looked for ways to give back, to nurture life…small ways are big ways…small things, great love, as mother Teresa says…Have been active in our Respect Life Ministry at my parish and have attended prayer vigils at the abortion centers and have even done a little bit of sidewalk counseling. I work at Wal-Mart, so I have the blessing that if God sends someone to my register to purchase a pregnancy test, they get the quiz…"and what will you do if it is positive, will you have the baby?" Any hesitation, they get my testimony! I have even followed them into the restroom a few times. I wish someone had stopped me when I considered abortion, so I try to be that person, the person that stops them, that enters their path, and gives them GodÆs message of life.

I could not have come this far, without path showing me that it's O.K. to show your weakness, it's OK to show your sin, and it's O.K. to cry, and that God is bigger than our sin! He loves us and that's what he does, he forgives!

It influenced my work in the prolife movement, emboldening me to share my experience and influence others who are "choice" not by logic but by the emotional reality I experienced which no amount of argument is able to deny. My SNM work has been the best way I've found to reach others and I've used it in the side walk counseling I've done.

I have information now that I never knew existed. I was able to go to Confession. I know my baby is in Heaven.

The men standing in the background of the camera shot for the EWTN televised March for Life has got me thinking right now.

Encouraged me.

I am not sure about silent no more, but i do know that 10 years ago Mercy Sunday i was saved. this changed my life as I started back to the journey that changed my life. I spent 8 years discussing all my issues with a Priest which eventually with much praying I got the courage t o attend Rachel Retreat.

My opportunity to share my testimony so that other men and women and receive the healing grace and mercy of God and to save preborn little ones.

I finally was able to forgive myself for the abortion.

By making me aware that others have also been hurt, that I am not alone.

I just like what it represents. Many people are ashamed of what they have done and feel very alone. I think it's wonderful to have an organization that is reaching out to those who are hurting.

It has helped me realize that I am not alone, and that I can speak about what I did and be accepted. In breaking the silence it helped me to continually heal from my decision of abortion.

To seek forgiveness and looking forward to seeing that child in heaven.

Just that there are many women who share my experience of regretting their abortion.

It has helped me be more vocal about my past. I don't feel alone in this.

It has given me a place to share my testimony and help other women. It has also given me opportunities to be a voice for life. I know now I am not alone, and I can make a difference for other women who are facing unplanned pregnancy, and have a chance to choose life.

I am just glad that there are so many more groups and restorative ministries available today!

I longed to help advance the cause of Life and to assist in bringing down anti-life laws.

The campaign positively impacted my life by showing that the experience of abortion affects people long after the event is over.

An opportunity to vent and share.

Being involved with Silent No More Awareness Campaign has helped me in knowing that I am not alone in my struggle to overcome my abortion. And by getting the word out that abortion hurts will hopefully save one more baby and parents from the pain of abortion.

Every way possible.

The knowledge that I've gained, has helped me to communicate helpful information to my peers, who have been suffering in silence. It also has helped when they have contacted me to aid them in preventing their own daughter from getting an abortion. To see those babies celebrate their birthdays and Baptisms, etc. has been a huge gift from God to help me in dealing with the loss of the potential grandchildren I could have been enjoying now.

Giving me stregnth to continue to heal and work toward being able to share that healing.

After sharing with others that I regret my abortion, I have been freed to live life the way God had intended, in the light and free from guilt and shame. I have genuine relationships now, no longer based on the false pretense of a hidden secret. I will gladly speak to anyone about this decision and how abortion hurts women.

It excites me to see that many women are finding help & relief from their terrible mistake & able to move on to a healthy, happy life.

I feel this one of the most effective way to help stop abortion.

It's great to see the supportive work and positive changes because you are speaking out.

It has impacted my life just by being able to read the stories of men and women who have experienced the pain of an abortion whether directly or indirectly and how many of them have received healing and forgiveness from the Lord. It is also an amazing platform for those who are stuck between the decision to keep their child or abort, by giving them a resource to read and hear real life accounts of how choosing to abort has negatively impacted the lives of many.

I'm grateful to be able to write about my experience and have others done so too. This represent the loss we all carry always, it does not go away. In my case, it has been over 30 years. The more the pro-choice can read how much women have suffered with their decision to abort and how devastated and in some cases, incapacitated they have become, (emotionally unable to bond, physically unable to conceive, depressed, etc.); maybe the light will be seen. I am proud to be part of this and feel empowered with a bond with all of these women.

Great chance to heal through friendships with other women who have experienced the trauma of abortion. Even better chance to take my terrible experience and make some good come from it - to change another heart so that they don't make the same mistake.

I've not been involved like I would like to be. I am always willing to share my testimony, pray for someone, be an encouraging voice, or to just listen.

It has given me an opportunity to tell others the truth about the devastating effects of abortion and it has given me an opportunity to tell them about the healing forgiveness and grace of God through the cross of Jesus Christ.

Knowing that you help girls and women like myself is all I need.

I have testified in public for the Campaign several times. I believe that if I can help just one person, I have made a difference. It is a necessary function. Hearing Fr. Pavone speak was one of the best experiences I have ever had.

I have loved speaking at the capitol in MN, in January!

Support groups, people to help through painful memories, walk for life...

Silent No More has provided me with additional encouragement and support with regards to my past abortions. My main encounter/experience with Silent No More was during the 2011 March for Life and I was delighted to see so many post-abortive men and woman gathering together in unity to speak out, peacefully, against the tragedy of abortion that deeply affects so many. The group was so encouraging, so full of love and acceptance, and truly understood the extent of post-abortive journey.

Through Rachael's Vineyard, I was able to forgive myself and move on. Publicly giving my testimony was a huge part of forgiving myself. I would like to be involved in helping other women (I was 25) keep from making the decision to abort their child.

It's made me so much more aware that I wasn't the only one who had regrets about the choice I made. It's always comforting to know you're not alone.

I participated in Ottawa in the march for Life and had given testimony to help other women to come forward, break the silence and help others in different times: "And the true will set you free" (from the Catholique Bible).

Allowed me to share my story to many people and gave me the courage to walk with others at numerous life rallies.

It has brought me peace and knowing that I am not alone.

It is very inspiring. I don't want anyone to suffer the pain of abortion because of the unchallenged lies we are told. It is not a solution.

It has helped me to accept forgiveness, learn that I am not alone and understand that I was coerced and purposely misinformed about abortion.

Yes. It is healing to tell our stories, but it is good to know that we are being the light to help others when they hear our stories.

It is wonderful knowing that you are not alone. There are women all across the nation and world that share your experience even though everyone is different.

I was at the 2010 Portland Oregon Right to Life Rally and the presence of SNM people made it even more powerful. I held up the sign they supplied that said "I REGRET MY ABORTION". I was in the Portland newspaper with a picture holding the sign, along with an article stating my reason for being there.

It provides a safe, public venue to share my healing journey out of depression caused by my abortion many years ago, as well as to stand in solidarity with women and men who share their stories.

DC march was awesome for my kids and me.

Basically, security and validation knowing I'm not the only one. Factual and statistical info. Has made me a better advocate.

I no longer keep my abortion a secret. I know that I am forgiven and I am able to help other people get through the process of grieving the loss of an aborted child.

I am glad that this organization exists for women.

I am so pleased that the Catholic Church has compassion for sinners like me. Seeing other women who have brought sadness to our Lord, but also trust in HIS forgiveness help me to carry on. I am not alone in this horrible sin and my child...HIS child and so many more are with HIM and our precious Mother safely in Heaven. Only in knowing this can I go on in this life.

It was amazingly freeing to stand up and admit what I had done, a secret I had held close to my chest for 30 years.

March For Life several years, and local opportunities to be Silent No More. Literature, website, and testimonies have helped me heal and be more effective as a facilitator of post-abortion healing.

The strength of knowing that others have a similar story to me, National coordination. Cathy Kerr our Regional Coordinator is strong and active in the March for Life, etc

I learned that the best way to stop abortion is through the voices of the women who have had them. When pro abortion supporters and the silent folks in the middle understand that abortion hurts the women they think they are protecting, things will change.

I was invited by a Spiritual Mother from out-of-state to seek out your annual gathering here @ NM State Capital where testimonies were given on-site and we stood on the curb after & held signs that read "I regret my abortion". I was the only one that day that someone pulled off in their car & got out to tell me that they didn't regret theirs... after a minute of dialogue "we agreed to disagree" and she allowed me to pray for her. That day was the first time I ever met the director of our local CareNet and her staff...since then I've been involved with them when able and refer persons there often.

It has helped in my healing process by sharing my story.

Yes very much, I am not alone in my regret and there are others who know what I feel. It has helped me heal and create awareness to those who need to be informed and educated.

Has been just one more avenue to learn about our abortion trauma effects ALL of us!

I would like to become involved and give my testimony publicly to help others. I need to know how to get involved.

It gives an avenue to share with others who also need the support or who also want to share.

To help others so they do not make the same mistake.

I have been able to help others learn from my experience through this group through others creating books and fighting various cases in court. I have also learned of pro life efforts across the nation and helping those who still hurt from abortion.

Sure, it has given me a voice and I no longer feel alone in my regret. I have had the humble pleasure of standing at a pro life conference and being the face of someone who was hurt by abortion and has regret over killing my baby. I have had numerous people approach me months after and given me a 'thank you' for standing there. They tell me that it changed their heart on 'hating' the women who have abortions. They detest the action of abortion, but can now pray for not only the baby, but for the mother. They realize how 'twisted' the whole situation is in our country.

Joining the SNM folks at the March for Life in D.C. for three consecutive years and seeing the support and power behind being silent no more; meeting others from around the country and sharing the camaraderie in fighting for a most worthy cause. I feel it not only heals us as survivors but the nation as well.

Yes Silent no more awareness campaign has positively impacted my life, because i am never ashamed, upset with myself or angry with myself, other people, or even my GOD! I am relieved to be able to share my personal story with silent no more awareness campaign! Thank GOD for this website. Count on me to continue to share my personal story on face book, twitter or wherever i have to in order to let everyone know the awful truth about abortions and the negative effect abortions leaves on your life and the scars unseen left on my personal life!

It makes me want to stand up and tell everyone the real truth about what having an abortion does to your body, mind and spirit!

The continued positive strength it has given me by listening to the stories of men & women who have had abortions.

I have met more and more women who've been impacted by abortion. I've learned more and more about the other groups out there who are involved in pro-life. I no longer feel like I'm fighting this battle alone. I've gained confidence to write my book and I've share my testimony with over 600 youth through my own workshops and through silent no more.

It helped me to be able to tell my story and help other women.

I have testified before committee hearings during the legislative session in New Mexico. I wouldn't be at this point without the friends I've met in Silent No More.

I really want to get involved so other women will know that they have other options.

The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is impacting my life simply by me being a member of something that is for a good cause.

I felt a lot of love at the time I met everyone from the organization in D C for the thirty anniversaries of Roe- All of you took me in and made me feel welcome. I will never forget your outpouring love and the snow falling out side that brownstone. I felt so frail and wounded so ashamed and down hearted. I really needed you and you came through for me. I cannot thank you enough. You made me feel a part of a new and wounded family the abortion family. So so extremely sad. I could go on for the rest of my life.

Silent No More has changed my life because it has given me the courage to speak up about my abortion story. I kept my abortion story a secret for 15 years. Knowing that there are other women in this situation with me, helps me know that I am not alone. We have a sisterhood that no one will understand. When I attended my first March for Life with Silent No More, I carried my "I Regret My Abortion". I felt so ashamed. I thought people would judge me once I went public. Instead, they have welcomed me with open arms and have expressed their thankfulness for having the courage to speak up.

Through SNM, I have written and published my story. This has allowed me to meet other women who are going through an abortion decision or who have made an abortion decision and are looking for help and answers.

I attend the January march on the Capital in Atlanta. I attended the March in Washington two years ago and was impressed and felt empowered by the number of participants (many young people, all ages represented, all religious affiliations, clergy and religious orders) It was real shot in the arm and it was great to see the Silent No More Awareness group there.

It told me that I wasn't alone in my struggles--all those years I felt so alone-- that maybe I can have a positive impact through my SNMA testimony. The dirty little secret is out--but unlike what the pro-abortion gang says "it's like getting a tooth pulled,"--there has been a lasting, hurtful impact on my family going on decades.

My sisters & brothers in SNM stand together at Courthouse, in Washington & college campuses & also at local 40 days site. We see how our witness affects everyone. Please God it will save even one person the suffering we have been through.

Just knowing there are others out there who know that they made a wrong choice.

It has helped me connect with others who are hurting from abortion.

Yes. I attended an event at the U of Calgary and I met Angelina and Anita Sontagg and two other women who gave their testimony. I liked them and I feel like they understand me and compassion for me. They are good Christian women. We are hurt and we suffer and only we know how we suffer. I plan to participate in a Rachel's Vineyard Retreat. I want to give my testimony publicly too and be a friend to a post abortive women and save another women from my fate. And I owe it to my child to tell the world he existed and I love him.

-meeting some amazing "kindred spirits"-being obedient to God's call to share my testimony-being a voice for the voiceless -further healing -having people come up and thank me for participating in the SNMAC was quite a surprise at first but upon reflection, I consider it a privilege to take my deepest hurt to help others.

Increased awareness of the movement as a whole.

I now go stand in front of an abortion clinic and say the rosary with other people IÆve met. This makes me feel really good. I intend to keep on going.

Yes, by knowing about others out there talking about the abortion subject by taking it out of the darkness and into the light.

Just the ongoing support you all show and hard work to bring the truth to light.

I spoke out once after the Retreat at the capitol building in Denver. We had I regret my abortion signs; it has helped me heal and not feel as afraid to talk about it.

Was at the walk for life walk in San Francisco and just listening to the speakers was a tremendous help. Especially the lady whom spoke of naming her aborted babies. I named mine that day "Luke Benedictine and Elizabeth Anna".

Your requirement to go through a healing program. Forgiven and Set Free opened my eyes to just how much abortion had damaged my soul, as well as my physical wellbeing. I was struggling with depression, which was what kept me from being able to serve as a volunteer for your organization. When it was finally brought under control, I was led in another direction and now serve as the Abortion Recovery Coordinator for Advice & Aid Pregnancy Center in Shawnee, KS.

This ministry has encouraged me not to be afraid to tell my story knowing others have too and others will benefit from hearing my story.

I am thrilled that there is now a place and a way for us to stand up and be supported in speaking the truth about abortion.

I helped my girlfriend in the early 70's to get an abortion. In 1982 I got saved and the Lord has been teaching me about how important it is to STOP this murder of children. Your organization is a blessing and I wish I could do more. Keep up Gods work and you will be blessed. Thank You

Silent No More Awareness Campaign showed me that there are other women who, like me, chose life despite some very tough situations. In my case, that was having a baby when the father didn't want to be involved. Choosing life was so worth it.

By providing a supportive, prayerful space to share our loss, pain, grief and ongoing healing. Thank you!

It has let me know I am not "alone". Courage to keep sharing my testimony of healing and return to sanity.

Allowing me to have an outlet to witness to people and have a network of healed post-abortive women.

It was a platform for me to speak about my abortion. It is my prayer that my speaking publicly about my abortion will help someone else not to abort their baby.

By standing for TRUTH of the lies that are pushed on women about the after affect abortion will have on a Women's life after she has had an Abortion. Just as I said then on January 22,2004 "If Abortion Is So Right, Then Why Do We Keep It A Secret After We Have Done It" I stand by this statement till this day, and pray that more women are impacted with the truth through "Silent No More"

Giving my personal testimony--on-line @SNM; Life Chain 2009 in Rockford, IL, and Wisconsin Medical School in 2010. Whenever, I am asked about the pro-life movement, I also talk to individuals about my abortion experience and the SNM campaign. Also, when I carry my sign "I Regret My Abortion" to abortion mills, I can only pray that I can convert one's heart, whether it's the workers in the abortion clinic or the young women and/or man trying to enter an abortion clinic, when they see my sign. It does create reactions.

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Silent No More Awareness Campaign