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Contraceptive Abortions
Marilyn Frances Prouty
Minnesota, United States

My name is Marilyn Frances Prouty.  I am 69 yrs. old.  At the age of 33, I had three abortions. 

I am here to speak to you about my contraceptive abortions in the hope you will not make the same mistakes I did. 

I regret the deaths of my babies, and have endured over 30 yrs. of pain, guilt and sorrow caused by the violence I perpetrated against my own children.

I was ignorant of how “the pill” and the “IUD” work. 

The pill is intended to prevent ovulation and implantation.  When it fails to prevent ovulation, a child is conceived.  He or she is then unable to implant in the mother’s womb due to the thinned lining of the uterus. 

The sole purpose of the IUD is to prevent implantation in the womb.  The newly conceived child cannot attach to the mother’s thinned uterine lining.  So the IUD almost always causes the death of a developing boy or girl. 

When my doctor prescribed the pill and later the IUD, I thought I was choosing responsible birth control.  I realize now that I had chosen a contraceptive-death-sentence for my children.

I was inconsolable in my suffering when I realized what I had done.  I spent years in the pro-life movement learning as much as I could about the deaths of my children.  

I learned conception was not prevented - the lives of my children were taken. 

In 2006, I finally found help and forgiveness at a weekend retreat of Project Rachel.  

The other retreatents, the counselors, the psychotherapist and the priest confirmed that my babies are real.  They helped me to get to know them as Suzanne, Mary Beth and Frances. 

I am silent no more because I believe men and women need to learn early in life that the life of a preborn baby is truly precious, and in danger from a contraceptive death. 

Doctors, Planned Parenthood and our pro-death culture have lied to us.  We need to obtain a fuller working knowledge of human reproduction and development of the preborn child.  And with that knowledge, we learn the pill and the IUD do not prevent pregnancy.  They kill a preborn child as surely as a surgical abortion.  

When I prevented their implantation with an IUD, my babies starved to death inside my own womb.

I am silent no more!


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Silent No More Awareness Campaign