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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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by Tammy  



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Accepting God's Gift
New Jersey, United States

My hope is that my story will prevent someone from making the wrong decision to abort. I got pregnant at age 20 with my high school boyfriend. When I got pregnant the father left me, and I was a single mom with no job. I was still living with my parents and they were supportive of the decision to abort my unborn child. I scheduled an appointment at the local abortion clinic immediately.

When I got to the clinic I was seated in a room to watch a five minute video on how having an abortion is the best decision someone can make. In my heart, I knew it was wrong, and to think that someone could make a video saying it is a right decision. After the movie, I was brought to a room to have an ultrasound to see how far along in the pregnancy I was. I was told I would have to come back because I was too early in the pregnancy, then, after that, make an appointment to do the procedure.

As I got back into my vehicle to leave the building, I broke down. Deep within, I knew it wasn't the right thing to do. When I got home to my parents, I broke down. I told my mom, that I wanted to keep the baby. What if this was my only chance to ever have a child, I told her. We both cried, and we agreed to proceed with the pregnancy and have the baby.

The father of my unborn child had kept in touch me and his mother wasn't so supportive. For the first six months of my pregnancy she was trying to convince my mother that it wasn't too late to abort the baby. When I found out I was having a boy, I named him Shane, which was going to be the name of my mother's first child, my brother, who was aborted when she was 15 years old.

Now, I am 35 years old and married to an amazing husband. We both are devoted Christians raising Shane. My husband is 45 years old and has been infertile his entire life.  My son has given me hope and strength to push forward in life. I am so glad I made the decision to keep him. We are a family, and God put us here for a reason. He is my only child. Shane is 14 years old now. He loves to sing, play piano, and now wants to learn the violin. He is also an honor roll student and well behaved. If God gives you a gift, accept it, it may be the only chance you have. GOD BLESS!


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Silent No More Awareness Campaign