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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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No Longer Secret
Iowa, United States

My name is Briana, and I had an abortion 6 years ago when I was a senior in college. I made the decision to end my pregnancy because I was alone. My fiancé had just left me, so I was already going through a difficult time. I was scared, and I didn't believe I could raise a child on my own. I didn't see a future for myself as a single mom.

I was given the RU-486 abortion pills the same day I went to the abortion clinic. They didn't explain the process to me beyond when to take the pills. Side effects, possible complications, and what to expect during the abortion were not even mentioned. I had the abortion alone in my apartment, and it was by far the most painful experience of my life. It took at least two months for my body to recover.

Immediately afterwards, despite the pain, I felt relief that I was no longer pregnant. This relief was immediately followed by guilt, which I quickly tried to numb away with drugs, alcohol, and sex. I wanted to put the abortion behind me as quickly as possible and never think about it again.

Exactly one year to the day after my abortion, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and my life was forever changed. The reality of what I had done was overwhelming, and I was so grateful for the undeserved salvation I had received.

It took a few more years before I had the courage to share my story with family and friends. When I finally spoke about my past, I was relieved that I no longer had to live in secrecy. I felt free to be myself and to have honest relationships with my family and friends! I found encouragement and healing through a faith-based recovery program for post-abortive women. I have forgiven myself and I have dedicated my life to honoring the memory of my daughter Lilly, standing up for the unborn, and sharing God's story of redemption in my life. I chose to be silent no more, and I encourage others to find strength in Christ to do the same.


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