Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion

A Father’s Day Card from Heaven

As we celebrate this upcoming Father’s day, men with young children will receive those priceless home-made gifts and all of us will take a day to honor and celebrate our fathers – those living and those now with the Lord. But some men will also be reminded that there is a child missing from their celebration…a Father’s day card that will never be written. Men without living children may not publicly celebrate Father’s Day, but they too are fathers of their unborn children lost to abortion.

In a mysterious way, like a Father’s Day card from Heaven, those unborn children cry out to their fathers calling them to reconciliation with God and a deeper healing of the wounds abortion leaves on the hearts and souls of men.

From one of the hundreds of testimonies on the Silent No More Awareness Campaign website, Robert Shares:

  • I still feel the pain of my lost fatherhood…especially on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, when all the parents stand for a blessing and my wife and I have to sit there. Robert’s Full Testimony Here

Turning the Hearts of Fathers – Be Not Afraid

In Luke’s Gospel we hear the OT prophecy of Malachi fulfilled in the mission of John the Baptist:

He will go before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of fathers toward their children and prepare a people fit for the Lord. – Luke 1, 10-17

June of the Shockwaves Initiative we focus on Father’s Day and the opportunity for Christian Churches to reach out to the millions of men in their congregations who have experienced this loss. As a pastor/clergy/ or lay minister you may fear preaching about this sensitive topic for fear of hurting or offending your people. We invite you to consider that drawing attention to this issue around the time of Father’s day is an act of the greatest compassion…one that in time will bless your faith community.

We have learned from fathers that their abortion experience damaged them in ways that only became clear after attending an abortion recovery program. Often men do not connect the emotional pain, addictions and failed relationships in their lives to a past abortion until they learn about the after-effects and attend an abortion recovery program:

  • Our marriage was in deep turmoil following the abortion. My wife was engaged in numerous affairs afterward. 13 years later, we divorced. Our whole family suffered greatly during these times. – Joseph’s Full Testimony Here
  • That hidden shame and guilt caused me to go into a downward spiral of lying, cheating, pornography and addiction to alcohol. - Mathew’s Testimony

Abortion attacks the fundamental nature of the gift men bring to the family; the protection, love and provision of the children entrusted to their care. Violating this fundamental law of God can later weaken men in their vocation as husband, fathers and spiritual leaders in the home and in your church.

The Good News of Healing in Christ

The good news for God’s people is that with healing in Christ men are restored and renewed in their vocations as men, husbands and fathers.

The abortion healing program answered my deepest prayers… –David’s Testimony

What a great blessing it will be for our families, Churches and nation when the millions of men involved in abortion decisions turn to Christ for healing and restoration. Join us this June as we ask the Lord to Turn the Hearts of Fathers toward their unborn children.